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My girl is a woman now. ☺️

Yes I use regular pads and then cut them in half to save on costs since she doesn't use the full thing.
No, I find she doesn't use the whole thing. But a lot of times it's kind of all over depending on activity. I just would rather it cover everywhere. But that's just me. @Katyusharocket if you want to cut them to experiment, go for it. :thumbsup2: You'll eventually find what's best for you. ☺️
But a lot of times it's kind of all over depending on activity.
Oh wow, mine must be huge then because Ripley does agility and Trendy IGP and never had that issue. It looks like you may be using panty liners instead of pads though?
Don't worry, it will be fine and you should be all set. At least you don't have an intact male to drive all of the chaos into it. ;)
I use liners although would be nice if they were wider, so I could use a pad. Although, I’d be concerned someone would nibble at their pad. The liner is a little more concealed.
No, I find she doesn't use the whole thing. But a lot of times it's kind of all over depending on activity. I just would rather it cover everywhere. But that's just me. @Katyusharocket if you want to cut them to experiment, go for it. :thumbsup2: You'll eventually find what's best for you. ☺️
And this is why I should use a pad now. She was fine with liners the first heat. This time there’s a lot of shifting going on down there.
Oh wow, mine must be huge then because Ripley does agility and Trendy IGP and never had that issue. It looks like you may be using panty liners instead of pads though?
And this is why I should use a pad now. She was fine with liners the first heat. This time there’s a lot of shifting going on down there.
Yes those are panty liners. And she did fine with them. They're the extra long and are actually a tad bit wider too. The one on the left is regular.
I can't imagine using half of that. What I'm doing works for me. And it's changed often so I haven't had a problem. Next time if she's even heavier than maybe I'll go to a thicker pad. I wasn't too worried about the thickness as much as the coverage.
Yes those are panty liners. And she did fine with them. They're the extra long and are actually a tad bit wider too. The one on the left is regular.
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I can't imagine using half of that. What I'm doing works for me. And it's changed often so I haven't had a problem. Next time if she's even heavier than maybe I'll go to a thicker pad. I wasn't too worried about the thickness as much as the coverage.
Pepper is heavier this time around and moving more. I guess we were away last time and she was also on a leash in the vacation home. Therefore, less movement as opposed to now we are home and she’s not on leash inside the house. I didn’t think about all of this until now lol.
I can't imagine using half of that. What I'm doing works for me.
No, it is fine. Sorry, it was an observation, not criticism... I was just saying what I do and was guessing why my results were probably different on the movement. I can't remember what brand I have but I did try the liners and they moved more for her than the regulars so I've stuck with regulars and since they are so big, cut them in half. I think the absorbency/thickness kept them from moving around. Glad yours work for you and her!
