Over a year ago I worked my arse off to get a good dumbbell retrieve. I was pretty pleased with it but it was one of the most patience-testing training things I've ever done with Asha. We both wanted it to go faster but I refused to skip steps. Then life happened, I was working on SAR stuff, dropped out of the thoughts of ever getting anywhere in IGP due to club distance, then more life happened and now it's June '23 and we haven't picked up a dumbbell since before December of last year. 4 days ago I picked it up and did a couple of tosses. It was so nice I thought, well, may as well start on the jump then. She went over the jump to get it but returned with it twice by going around not over. I stepped in really close to the jump as she was returning the 3rd time and ran backwards saying HUP! and she did! Big party and quit for the day. 2 more days with only 2 retrieves each, both as nice as I could expect and this is day 4. I am always amazed by this dog, but to have this kind of nice work in 4 days with never coming over a jump with a dumbbell, and being over 6 months since she even saw the dumbbell, sorry, I'm just a bit barn blind right now and love my girl.
I know it's not clean, tidy or perfect, and I have a lot to work on like not moving my feet and I need to measure where I stand and where I'm aiming to throw, and I backed up as she came to me, and I was so happy with her I didn't make her fix her finish, so all that needs work.
And the barrel is 21" and the 2 x 6 is on it's edge so that's only 26" tall - what's a meter, 40 inches??? I mean, this is not hard on her, but I'm looking at turning the barrel on it's end to make it a meter tall... that's a lot of jump.
And I'm out here videoing not thinking anything about what I'm wearing because I'm doing this to review training, not to publish... LOL, but then you get to a certain age and run our of those %!#@'s to give and publish it anyway.
screenshots are crummy, and now I can't remember how I got clear stills of videos a year or two ago. But here's a still from the video
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