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Fate had Parvo... (kinda graphic)


Well-Known Member
Ok, I been keeping this on the down low for over a week, mainly because I am not the type of person that likes the 'awws' and 'im sorrys'. Not that I dont appreciate support and know that everybody loves me and my kids... just that when I get it, it makes me cry... and I hate to cry...

Anyways, it has been a rough week, I thought I was gonna be awol, but found myself online more actually... last saturday Fate woke up and had vomited fluff... which I was like great, I am forever pulling fluff out of this dogs mouth... she wasnt acting right so I kept an eye on her... she vomited a few more times thru the day, but just bile... keeping an eye on her... about now she is slowing down and acting a lil diff... Sunday morn, another vomit... I took her out back by herself to see what she would do... didnt want the other dogs to bother her... and she went to try to poop... and to my amazement, this liquid I can only describe as watery chocolate milk SHOT out of her rear end, I am talking like you put your finger over the end of a hose shooting out... FREAKED now, but thinking it was blockage, I get over to Petsmart (they are open sundays!) tell the vet what occured... and their first thought since she was so depressed was Parvo... did the test.. at this point I am praying for blockage... Parvo Positive... dammit... heart just fell...

Seeing our other members go through it, I was devastated & a mess... They told me to take her to the ER to get the supportive car she would need over the weekend as they will close at night and no one to watch her over Memorial Day. I took her to the closest one (which is great I know, in case of bloat) and they hooked her up to the iv's and there she was... I visited her several times.. before I had to get her Tuesday morning and move her to my regular vet for care there... Here she was back on iv, she was stable enough to stay over nite... I took off last week and visited her 3 times a day, keepin those people on their toes making sure she was clean and comfy. That vet, they are good but not very advanced.. had this logic that they would not feed til after 24 hours of vomiting... I didnt care for that logic... but what do I know... She had actually worsened, then towards the end of the week she seemed to perk up a TINY BIT... Friday they gave her some plasma, seemed to make her a lil better again... and in the eve I had to pick her up to take her to the ER again... the vet recommended a different ER where the doctor is very progressive with how she treats parvo... all for that, I went there, good 25 minutes from where I live...

That doctor is the most amazing woman ever!! She said she liked to treat parvo dogs, cuz she knew she could save them. Said that she didnt believe in not feeding dogs because they have parvo because they STARVE... she feeds between vomitting, usually thru a intranasal tube, which was amazing, as she explained the tube allowed them to take anything out of the stomach first before putting food in.. I was sold...

Unfortunately, the puppy tubes they had were not LONG enuff for a dobie pup, and the adult dogs were to big.. dern... but that didnt stop her from feeding her, they gave her doggy gatorade and then doggy version of ensure... then the next morn she was eating hard kibble!! Apparently she wasnt having any of that canned glop... lol. So she did great over that weekend by leaps and bounds.. the doctor recommended I take her on Monday to another office that they are affiliated with that way she can control the treatment... YES MAAM...after another successful nite they let her go home today... I am off today to watch her, and Dela will come over to hang out with her tomoorrow..

As far as home coming... this puppy is crazy still, back to normal only she is just skin and bones... she was excited to see the italians and karma, trying to play like she has never left... vet said to feed her when i got home, she is barking at me like crazy to feed her!!! Heres to hoping for a speedy recovery :)
wow hrd, I am glad that Fate is ok and is going to be all better, I am sorry to hear about the run of events but you are a good momma and took care of it soon enough.

Hugs to you both, :hug:
Wow, you must be exhausted hrd. Then they did or didn't finally diagnose her as having Parvo? She did have all her shots didn't she? I think I read that somewhere on here. Hopefully the worst is over. Sounds like she's bouncing back fast. All the more reason to warn everybody not to skip on puppy vaccines. Did they tell you to quarintine her from the rest of you guys? Just curious. Praying for no more problems with you little darling.
OMG....well much as you hate it, you've made me cry too....my heart is heavy with such a story, but the ending is so uplifting! You've done a great job and our prayers are with you. I myself, have never gone through this but I certainly can feel your pain. I am so happy to hear that she is feeling better and sorry you had to go through this. I'm sure the others here will be giving more advice and of course, now that you've opened up to the Forum, we all want to have those followups! Hugs to both of you! It looks like the corner has been turned. Enjoy your day together and keep in touch here!
thanks guys, we will have lots of pictures of recovery, trust me :)

MLR, they diagnosed it the first day, I never cried so much... She had 3 of her booster shots, but the vets said its just one of those things and dobes, rotties, black and tan dogs are more succeptable to it (i tried to argue she was red)

They said I didnt have to quarantine her as she wasnt 'shedding' the virus anymore (i am guessing that means pooping) But trust me, I will be picking up poop and probably bleaching my yard daily if not every other day
I replied in your other thread but just wanted to state again how bad I feel for you and Fate. I hope the worst is behind her... it's very encouraging to hear that she is feeling so well now. Trinity and Athena send lots of kisses and nub waggins to both Fate and Karma.
OMG I am soooooo happy that she is on the mend....we all will be keep our prayers coming for her and you to keep on healing......BIG {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGZ}}}}}}}}}}}
I'm so glad she's back on the road to recovery after such a horrible ordeal hrd. How scary.

You're right, I was just talking to our trainer who also works for a vet and she said the same thing about Dobe's and Rotts being more prone to it for some reason. She didn't say it was the color, but something in the genetics.
So glad Della's turned the corner,you're a great mom for catching it quickly and making sure she got the right care!!!
happy to hear she is doing better now :) poor little girl...big hugs to you and your babies
wow ! tough week. Sound like she really did good though. Saw other thread with the feet. Wouldnt surprise me if its just lack of muscle ya know from being sooo sick. Hopefully once she starts gaining and recovering...things will "pick up ". I hope she wont need any additional support. GL
Hrd i know exactly how you feel ive had two in my life with Parvo the first didnt make it, the second one did but oddly quit growing after battleing her bout with parvo. She stayed a puppy for life. Parvo is scarry stuff and theres no way to explain how bad i felt. Im so happy Fate is feelng better. You should be proud you really had to jump thru alot of hoops to get her better. I coldnt be happier for you knowing you all got passed this. Give Fate a hug for me. shes a survivor.
This just goes to show that NOONE is immune to this. If Hrd2Gt's dog could have it then anyones could. So sorry this happened Hrd but I hope she's feeling better.
Oh man, that sounds terrifying. Im glad to hear that you found such a good vet to pull Fate through.
Parvo sucks lemme tell ya. I had 3 out of my 4 pups that had it make it through. I hated parvo for taking the life of one of my pups, but it's just one of those things that happens.
Parvo is heartbreaking to go through. SO many pups do not make it. It seems that if the pup can survive for the week it takes the virus to run its course there is a good chance the pup will make a full recovery. A HORRIBLE virus. Glad your pup made it!!!
