Sores inside 12 week pup ears from first posting

Either can work! Ive had good luck with cotton balls myself. See what works best for you and your pup.
Hi! Ears healed and I posted yesterday (the 21st) using backer rod and the split backer rod for the pocket. I added cotton pad to the tip. I was paranoid after the first posting caused SO much trouble in 48 hours (tampon) so I reposted in 24 hours. She was a tiny bit red but no sores. I reposted and used a cotton ball this time for the pocket. How long does it generally take to see response on the pocket part? This is totally new to me. Also, she seems to pull her ears in a bit unevenly (when's she's super alert) There is NO tension on the brace. Thoughts? Thanks so much for all the help.
she seems to pull her ears in a bit unevenly (when's she's super alert) There is NO tension on the brace. Thoughts?
I'm glad she's doing well now. You may be able to get rid of the center brace if she's pulling them in on her own.
How long does it generally take to see response on the pocket part?
I've never dealt with a pocket, but I think they all vary. Probably within a few postings though.
How long does it generally take to see response on the pocket part?
Depends on the severity of the pocket but a couple weeks of posting for deep pockets. It can't really cause much harm to have a cotton ball in there longer than needed. I often would leave cotton balls in that area for Revel to make sure the ear stayed pushed out since I couldn't go up in size of backerrod as his ears weren't ready for that much weight.
Once those sores are healed I'd go to using backer rod and take a cottonball where the pocket is and place between the post and ear to push that pocket out. He is only 12 weeks so you have plenty of time to get the ears posted and pockets fixed once the ear is healed. If his bases were solid I'd suggest doing the half post method to keep the post out of his ear but I do not think you are there quite yet.
Thank you. I am attaching 3 pictures. The first one is after 48 hours from first post where a pocket developed. The ears were not posted for 6 days due to sores. The ears healed and I switched to backer rod with gauge ball on end of the post. I reposted after 24 hours to make sure there were no sores developing (there weren't, maybe a tish red in bell) I used a piece of backer rod split in half for the bumper. I again reposted another 24 hours later (ok, paranoid about sores) but this time I used a cotton ball for the pocket. The second picture has a brace but she mostly keeps it loose on her own. About the right angles. Then the third picture is also from today but now the "non pocket ear" is tipping inward some of the time. Thoughts please? The ear without the pocket seems to move more freely (she can turn it etc) and the ear with the pocket is the one she can pull inwards but doesn't seem to turn it as much. I am not sure if I should be concerned that the non pocket ear is tipping in...... thanks a ton


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I would get rid of the center bridge since they can make them want to pull in more.
Thank you! I have gotten rid of the brace entirely. I am attaching a couple more pictures if I could ask for more help. She had a pocket after the first two days from posting. (I have never even heard of pockets before, I had someone on here help me figure it out) Her left ear stayed up the 6 days both ears were down healing from sores (tampons- have switched to backer rod and no sores) How do I know if she still has a pocket? I tried lightening up my pictures- hopefully you can tell by the pictures. I need to know if I should or shouldn't be doing bumpers. I am using a half a cotton ball.Thanks so very much.


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Thank you! I have gotten rid of the brace entirely. I am attaching a couple more pictures if I could ask for more help. She had a pocket after the first two days from posting. (I have never even heard of pockets before, I had someone on here help me figure it out) Her left ear stayed up the 6 days both ears were down healing from sores (tampons- have switched to backer rod and no sores) How do I know if she still has a pocket? I tried lightening up my pictures- hopefully you can tell by the pictures. I need to know if I should or shouldn't be doing bumpers. I am using a half a cotton ball.Thanks so very much.

Thank you. I am attaching 3 pictures. The first one is after 48 hours from first post where a pocket developed. The ears were not posted for 6 days due to sores. The ears healed and I switched to backer rod with gauge ball on end of the post. I reposted after 24 hours to make sure there were no sores developing (there weren't, maybe a tish red in bell) I used a piece of backer rod split in half for the bumper. I again reposted another 24 hours later (ok, paranoid about sores) but this time I used a cotton ball for the pocket. The second picture has a brace but she mostly keeps it loose on her own. About the right angles. Then the third picture is also from today but now the "non pocket ear" is tipping inward some of the time. Thoughts please? The ear without the pocket seems to move more freely (she can turn it etc) and the ear with the pocket is the one she can pull inwards but doesn't seem to turn it as much. I am not sure if I should be concerned that the non pocket ear is tipping in...... thanks a ton
I forgot to attach a picture after I reposted.


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What a cutie! From that facing front photo, it does not appear that you have any pockets. I don't see the ear tipping in at all. Love that face!!!
Thank you!! So it would only be pockets if her ears tip in? She couldn't relax her left ear after the first posting- it stayed up (the right ear didn't but it was only 48 hours of posting when she got the sores)
The last 4 pictures you posted look fantastic!!

Absolutely zero wrong with those ears- no pockets that I see.

The ear without the pocket seems to move more freely (she can turn it etc) and the ear with the pocket is the one she can pull inwards but doesn't seem to turn it as much. I am not sure if I should be concerned that the non pocket ear is tipping in...

Don’t get caught up in the little things. That is the ears learning how to move and work unilaterally without the aid of the bridge connecting them. They will work themselves out. You are doing everything great- keep doing what you are doing.

They do sound kinda weak from your description so do not let them stay out of post long- “testing them out”. Stay the road and be diligent on the process.

She is holding her ears wonderfully without the bridge. Beautiful Doberman you have there.

This pup had pockets on inside of both ears that cause “teepee’ing”.

This owner put in bilateral bumpers and was diligent on the process and happy to say her ears turned out great. . I can’t seem to find his updated post/picture of her but she is beautiful.
Thank you! I have gotten rid of the brace entirely. I am attaching a couple more pictures if I could ask for more help. She had a pocket after the first two days from posting. (I have never even heard of pockets before, I had someone on here help me figure it out) Her left ear stayed up the 6 days both ears were down healing from sores (tampons- have switched to backer rod and no sores) How do I know if she still has a pocket? I tried lightening up my pictures- hopefully you can tell by the pictures. I need to know if I should or shouldn't be doing bumpers. I am using a half a cotton ball.Thanks so very much.
Ears look great! Like I said before cotton balls longer than needed won't hurt anything but it also looks like she doesn't need them anymore.
The last 4 pictures you posted look fantastic!!

Absolutely zero wrong with those ears- no pockets that I see.

Don’t get caught up in the little things. That is the ears learning how to move and work unilaterally without the aid of the bridge connecting them. They will work themselves out. You are doing everything great- keep doing what you are doing.

They do sound kinda weak from your description so do not let them stay out of post long- “testing them out”. Stay the road and be diligent on the process.

She is holding her ears wonderfully without the bridge. Beautiful Doberman you have there.
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Thanks so much! Very kind words about Kardi and I am SO relieved she doesn't have anything going on. I very much appreciate your advice and confirmation I am doing this correctly. I am not a first timer- but I am SO rusty and I have never had one with a pocket or sores so I really got thrown. She has actually only been posted a total of 8 days. Two days of posting, six days off for sores to heal and then six days of posting. Does that change your thoughts on if the ears are kinda weak? I just can't thank everyone enough on this site. My anxiety has dropped to a manageable level. lol Thanks again!!
The last 4 pictures you posted look fantastic!!

Absolutely zero wrong with those ears- no pockets that I see.

Don’t get caught up in the little things. That is the ears learning how to move and work unilaterally without the aid of the bridge connecting them. They will work themselves out. You are doing everything great- keep doing what you are doing.

They do sound kinda weak from your description so do not let them stay out of post long- “testing them out”. Stay the road and be diligent on the process.

She is holding her ears wonderfully without the bridge. Beautiful Doberman you have there.
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Happy New Year! I am back with another question. Yesterday I changed posts after 2 1/2 days. At first the ears looked perfect (just like the previous picture I posted) I decided to wait a half hour to repost to make sure they were very dry. At one point, when she was super alert she pulled both ears in together, the "teepee'ing" like the picture you posted of someone else's pup. She did this a couple of times and then the ears went back to looking like they should. I reposted with cotton balls taped to the posts. She had NOT pulled the ears in while posted and only did it a couple of times- too fast for me to get a picture- after I took posts out. Thoughts on this please? I just can't remember if I ever saw this with previous pups of mine. Thanks so very much.
In my experience, they should be long as you don't see the over correction pocket...they will relax on their own, and her head will broaden. The cotton balls should help keeping pockets from forming.
Happy New Year!
In my experience, they should be long as you don't see the over correction pocket...they will relax on their own, and her head will broaden. The cotton balls should help keeping pockets from forming.
Happy New Year!
I am not sure what the "over correction pocket" means. Could you explain please? Thanks so much.
I see exactly what you mean..... and of course it was yesterday Kardi did this and it was so fast- I don't know. But the rest of the time the ears were not posted they looked like the bottom picture. I will be very watchful when I repost and use your photo's for reference. I very much appreciate your time posting the pictures and info for me!!
