BSL (Breed Specific Legislation)




Anti-Canine Legislation - is it coming to YOUR town?

Learn more about it's various forms and what you can do to help stop it. The dog world needs to band together before it is too late!

If you are a club or organization and you want to do your share to help educate others about:

Mandatory Spay and Neuter ordinances that make belonging to private organizations a part of an exemption.
Using the term "guardian" in place or interchanged with the term "owner" and how this may cause you to lose your dog.
Homeowner's insurance discrimination.
Prohibition against ear-cropping and tail docking.
Restrictions based on breed of dog you own.

You may think that you will not be adversely affected by any of the above, but if you own or share your home with any dog, regardless of breed, you and you dog are already in the crosshairs of various groups.
The American Rottweiler Club is endeavoring to "get the word" to every dog owner and we need your help. Please take part in the only nationwide project of its kind geared to help owners of all breeds. If you have reached this site because you have received a red tri-fold at a dog event, then you know a part of what the ARC is doing. If you have arrived here from another source, let us share what these educational tools are all about.
