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Thinking about importing?

Hi, I am trying to import a puppy from Europe. The breeder is telling me, per airline regulations, that the puppy needs to have his adult teeth in before being shipped. The puppy is about 3.5 months right now. I’ve looked on google and some airlines, and I can’t find anything on that. Does anyone have experience in shipping puppies from Europe? Does this sound reasonable at all?

Tell us from what country you want to import from and which Airlines to Houston.
I asked her what airline, and also informed her about the cdc regulations. She said that’s what the pet transporter told her, and that he’ll look for flights on Monday. The pup turns 4 months on 6-22. She didn’t respond with which airline it was.
Yes, I received him a little over a month ago. Couldn’t be happier. Her name is gordana zikic. She has a couple pups left from the same litter as mine, and just had a litter that are about a month old
