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Sensitive stomach help

@Tad I saw Melodie Limpach DVM again today since bite work training started again. She had 4 of her Dobes doing bite work. 2 of them were about 1.5 yrs old. I could see their spin and their hip bones. I asked her about it and she said they're just young. Some Dobes don't fill out until after 2.5yrs. Her 4yr old female looked bigger than her 1.5yr old males. So take that for what it is worth. You know her and how crazy she is about Doberman and their health. Crazy in a good way.
Yes, what I remember about her Dobermans is that they were, overall, quite slender and quite the machines. Fetch was played from a deck with multiple holes in it. I remember worrying that one of the Dobes would get a broken leg, but no such thing happened. The impression I got from them was one of forcefulness and violence. It was part of what convinced me to pull the trigger. What I got in my pup was just that.
I agree Tad, he is beautiful. I see what you are saying about the wanting a bit more meat on the bone...How MUCH weight has he lost since dealing with this. How is his energy levels, notice any changes? I think everyone is forgetting about the fact that Oji has been fighting CHRONIC diarrhea for a LOONG time. There is something going on. Period.
Hopefully one of the many suggestions will help him....and Eventually you will be asking how to take OFF the excess weight as your dobie is beginning to resemble a seal :D LOL (That's what they look like when they put on juussst a little too much weigh. lol) :banghead:
Thanks! I am sorry if I worried you or anyone else. He is quite a little mo fo. A force. Every bit the 120 lb. dog in the 70 lb package.
That's a good example of what they should be to me. Large dog tenacity in a 70 pound body and compact and athletic enough to jump through a car window :)

Don't be sorry about worrying us...we worry with you :)
Hello there. Just my two cents. And I apologize if you have figured out your dogs constant diarrhea. My dog Axl had terrible issues with his digestion from the beginning. I started with changing diet, then discovered Grain Free, (talking to everyone on this site). That helped quite a bit, then I re-hydrated kibble over night. That worked even better. Then Nzymes and you can see he felt much better. I find he can not handle dry foods. Everything requires moisture for him to tolerate it. This includes dehydrated foods, or treats. So pretty much all kibble would bother him to a point. Which also led him to drink a lot of water.
He will be 6 this March and I still rehydrate kibble. He also gets a large meatball size raw ground beef and hard boiled egg mixture with dinner, and supplements.
Good luck.
