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Is spanking good punishment?

Both my pups growled in play mode when little. Bogie is a big talker and it includes a the growling talk. It isn’t a warning.
Now when they are playing with each other and I hear a growl I know we are going to have an escalation and I immediately intervene with a spray bottle. If I am not close enough when I hear it a stern Hey will separate them.
They play hard and they play rough and like kids, when one gets too rough the other responds in kind and you have a sibling fight going on. My brother and I fought like cats and dogs but let someone else come in and harm the other and we would team up.

A dog that growls is generally one that has tried to convey discomfort with a situation with body language and when that isn’t recognized by the person then they resort to the verbal. That is when you need to look at the entire situation and figure out and correct what transpired.
Kids need to be taught how to be around puppies and adult dogs and never, ever should the two be left unsupervised. The kid also needs to be taught how to correctly interact with a dog. Rough housing or tug of war should never be allowed between kids and pups or adult dogs.
If you observe and listen you can tell the difference between a puppy play growl and one that is a get off me growl.
Puppies and kids are excitable and will feed off each other’s energy and that leads to bad situations! JMO since I only have ‘rent a kids’.
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You have to be able to read dog behavior, growling is sometimes a form of a puppy playing and being vocal. Not necessarily a reason to scold the puppy. Small children need to be supervised when out with a puppy, they also need to learn how to act around the puppy. The puppy is more of an infant than a 2 year old but also will need to learn the rules of play when playing with young humans. Thevpuppy shoujd be tethered to and adult if it is out when small children are out sobyou can teach both the puppy and the children how to interact.

Completely understand that, my response was based @Drogon saying it’s acceptable for a dog to continue to growl at a infant/small child because it’s “annoyed”.
@Drogon yes I know ipo dog must put on command, we are in the sport. But it is in my opinion that a dog at home shouldn’t need to put to take something from them. All mine know to just let me have it. I did that for a reason. I do not allow certain behaviors in my house, like resource guarding or food aggression. If I did my pack would not work or be balanced. It’s a lot easier to manage with one dog vs four.
I guess what it comes down to is if the dog was playing or not. Puppy bites hurt and getting bit as a small toddler wouldn’t be acceptable. It’s in my opinion that they should be supervised at all times and even if you need to turn around for a second pop the pup in an ex pen or crate then go do what you have to. Safety first
You have to be able to read dog behavior, growling is sometimes a form of a puppy playing and being vocal. Not necessarily a reason to scold the puppy. Small children need to be supervised when out with a puppy, they also need to learn how to act around the puppy. Thevpuppy shoujd be tethered to and adult if it is out when small children are out sobyou can teach both the puppy and the children how to interact.
This is exactly what I was going to post.
