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To post or let heal?


New Member
Hi all, I know this has been discussed before but I feel like the answer might differ from case to case.
Our puppy Delta, has had a pretty rough ride with the posting. After the first time we removed the posts the vet did, her ear got hurt. We gave her a couple days to heal and resumed posting. They were looking pretty good two weeks ago. The vet told us we probably needed one more round of posts (even though she is 4months old). But we think he wrapped them too tight and it got hurt in the same spot.
Her left ear is not standing. It’s been almost a week that we’ve let it air out (we tried to post once but within 12 hours her wound, which was left exposed with no tape, started oozing, then we tried to post with less tape and she shook them off within an hour). And so this is what it looks like now, should we try to post again? If so, which method should we use?
Thank you so much in advance!!!


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I would keep posting, and if you are not familiar with the backer rod method; you will find great videos and photos of how to do it on this forum. Where that sore is, you can leave, and just do a small piece of paper tape around the tip above it to keep the tip from flaring out.
It usually takes a little longer than 4 months due to their teeth coming in.
Keep posting for sure. You won't be done until 6 months at the very earliest because that's when they are done teething (puppy teeth all fell out). Sometimes longer because their adult teeth aren't typically fully in until 7-8 months.

I've put a piece of cotton ball on sores and had that keep the sore dry and cushioned. Change the post every day to two days to clean, check the sore and put a new cotton piece on.

I would post yourself for sure. We have a lot of great how tos at the top of the puppy section of our forums.
I would keep posting, and if you are not familiar with the backer rod method; you will find great videos and photos of how to do it on this forum. Where that sore is, you can leave, and just do a small piece of paper tape around the tip above it to keep the tip from flaring out.
It usually takes a little longer than 4 months due to their teeth coming in.
Ok! Thank you so much for the advice, really appreciate it!
Keep posting for sure. You won't be done until 6 months at the very earliest because that's when they are done teething (puppy teeth all fell out). Sometimes longer because their adult teeth aren't typically fully in until 7-8 months.

I've put a piece of cotton ball on sores and had that keep the sore dry and cushioned. Change the post every day to two days to clean, check the sore and put a new cotton piece on.

I would post yourself for sure. We have a lot of great how tos at the top of the puppy section of our forums.
Will do, thank you so much for the advice! She gets kind of aggressive and uncomfortable when posting, maybe because the vet was doing it and she wasn’t used to him? She’s a bit better with us doing it but not great. I worry about doing it too often because of that. Do you think she’ll start getting used to it or have any tips for helping her not be scared?
Welcome from Minnesota. You definitely want to keep posting and you're much better off to do them yourself instead of letting the vet mess with them.
Will do, thank you so much for the advice! She gets kind of aggressive and uncomfortable when posting, maybe because the vet was doing it and she wasn’t used to him? She’s a bit better with us doing it but not great. I worry about doing it too often because of that. Do you think she’ll start getting used to it or have any tips for helping her not be scared?
I went through this will my girl. I have all my supplies ready to go close by. I get a snack for her ready too. Cheerios or cut up fruit works!
I give her a piece before and have her stay in a SIT command while I do her ears. I give her a treat as we go. I sit on the floor with my back on the wall, she is in between my legs and I will sometimes cross my ankle behind her butt. I cant do the table didn’t work for us, she would try to leap off.

It’ll get easier , don’t quit, don’t let her win. She will get used to it and so will you, I promsie!

I used to cry - I felt awful doing it especially when foist had the stitches out- and hated doing it, bucked up and now we have zero issues and I can get her ears posted in a minute.

You have great advice above! Just stay the course!
🥹🥹🥹thank you, that gives me much hope and relief to know we’re not alone in feeling this way and that it’ll get better.
You’re not alone! My girl is 7 months Sunday and I never thought I’d be posting so quickly with her being chill. Never!

And here we are easy as can be.

Hang in there and it’ll happen just make her sit stay and get it done.
