Random Pet Photo of the Day - 2022

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Took Jazz to a dogs day out just for fun and she was a bit over excited with all the different dogs there. We don't do these things nearly enough! She had her pic taken wearing costume but I had to take a pic of the pic and the quality is poor. She did settle down and rest while I had a coffee but wasn't interested in her puppachino. She is sleeeeeeeeping now!jazz0645.JPGjazz0644x2.jpg
The face of shame!IMG_4586x2.jpg
This morning I forgot to get to that mouse trap before she got to it, and she gave it a good smack with her nose. Over it went, mice went everywhere and she couldn't decide which one to chase........................................................so they ALL escaped! :facepalm:IMG_4585x2.jpg
Empty mouse trap!
Dingo got to go on our group hike with me, today!

We met up in a north Chicago neighborhood and ended up walking around Northwestern's campus so a bit of an urban adventure! I forgot to take a picture of the lake and skyline, though!


We have a bi-breedual family, as we have Dobermans and a Sheltie. We attend a picnic for the local Sheltie rescue every year except the past two which were cancelled because of Covid.

I do CGC and Trick Dog evaluations for the attendees every year. This year, the organizers asked if I could do a demo of the Canine Good Citizen, Rally and Obedience exercises. I was very happy to do it, as I'm a big advocate of doing things with your dogs. I used AJ as our Sheltie is enjoying a happy retirement and is very out of training.

I demonstrated the CGC exercises, some Rally signs, the Obedience Novice, Open and Utility exercises that don't have jumps.
AJ 2022 08 27 Sheltie Day At The Park.jpg
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