Penny Says.....

holy crap. the meds made that big a difference?? thats crazy!! i thought it was just over time she got heavy.

I think the same thing happened with INdy when i had him on thyroid meds... i didnt see diff i his seizures so i stopped them, and ever since he has been a chunky monkey. nobody believes me tho, they say those meds should make him thinner... but thats the only life event that happened that i can pin it too

Yeah it was the meds that made her gain that much weight. PLus when she would have a seizure we would give her extra food cause I was told she neded it to bring her blood sugar level back up. I have learned a bit more since then and she is doing so good, lol. Now that I have ahndle on her weight the sky is the limit girl :D

:rofl: I thought hrd meant that now that Penny has done so well with her weight loss, it could be time to get her into speech therapy for the way SHE talks... "My hoomans sitz lik dis......."

Penny is looking fantastic! Congratulations! And the pictures of her sitting like that are a riot:D

hahahah Ingrid, too funny and these pics make me laugh no matter how bad a day I have been having :D
Yeah Penny gets a tsp of Honey each evening, when she has seizures I give her vanilla ice cream, she loves it :D
