Other K'eyush & Sherpa videos - Part 2


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Here are a pair of videos shot by both Jamie and Jodie respectively, the morning Sherpa arrives to meet K'ey at an outdoor field on or about 12/23/2020 before the Christmas Lockdown.

Jamie's video with Sherpa:

Jodie's Video with K'eyush:

Here are a pair of videos shot by both Jamie and Jodie respectively, the morning Sherpa arrives to meet K'ey at an outdoor field on or about 12/23/2020 before the Christmas Lockdown.

Jamie's video with Sherpa:

Jodie's Video with K'eyush:

Fluffing heck!! Lol
DD4MSpock- I love the dobe in your avatar. He looks awesome!

That would be "Mr. Spock," my childhood dobie. Named so after the rather different mid-length military crop, which made him look like.... well... you know... :D The other dobie I had as a child before Mr. Spock was named "Diablo..." "DD" for short. Hence, my forum name. Sadly, DD was killed in an auto accident after he got out of the house (someone left the gate open). We only had him for a year or so. We then got Mr. Spock as an adult, and he lived with us a good long time.... I believe he reached 14 years before cancer took him. We had begun noticing blood in his poop... :( He also adopted a very strange stance when pooping as well. instead of squatting with both hind legs on the ground, he would actually stand straight up with only one hind leg (Rt. leg as I recall) contracted and his bum facing the fence of where we were walking him (this was before Pooper scooper laws). Rarely did he squat with both hind legs down unless it was too painful for him to do that one leg position. We knew the writing was on the wall, then.

I truly wish I could meet "Spocky" in Heaven one day and beg his forgiveness. I know we could of treated him much better. I think, perhaps, he probably should have been "set free" a lot sooner, but there were people in the family that absolutely did not want to see him go... In hindsight, bad judgement... very bad.

Run Free Mr. Spock! Just like you always tried to! :sorrow:
