heat female

  1. Shashie559

    When does a female starts their first Heat?

    Hi, I’m a little new here. I have a 7 almost 8 month old female American Doberman (Turns 8 months on the 5th of November) I’m curious as to around what age does a female doberman tend to go into their first heat and what are the signs? She has a husky brother and I’m scared that one day she’s...
  2. B

    Incontinence DURING heat?

    Hi everyone! Our girl Luna is 13 months old and going through her second heat cycle, she is about 16 days in and we are ready for it to be over. Over the last couple days I started noticing she’s been peeing differently..but first I need to start where I think I messed up. She wears a diaper...
  3. lyricmarie96

    Male on male aggression (unfixed)

    Hi guys! So we are having some problems and I would REALLY appreciate any/all advice and tips. So we have a almost 2 year old male unfixed doberman (Duke), and a 2 1/2 year old male unfixed pit-mix (Saint). We have had both since puppies, and they have always got along extremely well. Almost too...
