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Soluna Dobermans


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Some exciting news to share around here! Ripley has been bred and we are expecting her first litter in early November!!! :woot2::yatta:

Ripley Litter Announcement 2023 dcf.png

We weren't originally going to breed her until spring but there are only two shows left for the end of this year that she'd miss vs not being able to go back out until mid summer if we waited for spring. The idea is to breed her to help give her hormones she can only get from having a litter that will help mature her a lot more than she already is. So...we jumped on the chance and found a nice local-ish stud to have a live cover for her first breeding. Of course I'm not going to breed to any male so the match has to be something that will add to what she already has to produce better than they are for the betterment of the breed! Health is priority number one along with good temperament and conformation. I want the total package with these pups!

I'm so thankful to the stud owner for approving Ripley for her boy. She said she doesn't just approve of anyone and the girl needs to be exceptional. He has good bone, a nice front and a full head to compliment her lovely topline and rear. He also has a great disposition and has no dog aggression. The huge one for me is that he is an older male with all of his health testing complete and up to date. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to have a male check off all your boxes on your list! And that geography or human politics doesn't lock him from being used.

He produces better than himself, I've seen his kids and lots of them are CH/GCH/BISS/OHBIS and have performance titles too, which is a big plus for me. Can't wait to see what these two produce but I fully expect show and performance pups with amazing stable temperaments that are true to the breed. ;)

I plan to raise the litter with modified puppy culture and Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). I have a playlist of all kinds of novel sounds that will be playing in the whelping room when their ears first open. I'll get them started on crate training and litter train them on alfalfa pellets so they should go home finding their crate a safe place to be and will easily transition to going potty on the grass! I'm nervous and excited all at once but wanted to be sure to share the news with you guys!!!

Ripley's little ad I made the day before her announcement...
Ripley 2023.png
And just for fun, some cute pics of Ink with his other owner and Ripley with one of my nephews and a friends daughter the first time she met her. :love:



I've already said it but :congrats: It should be a beautiful litter and I really love his masculine look.
for a whelping box you mean or to get them started on dock diving? :rofl: :rofl:
Oooh, great idea! Kill two birds with one stone. Use it as a whelping box first and then later on for them to get used to being in water! Which will ultimately help them with dock diving.
Oooh, great idea! Kill two birds with one stone. Use it as a whelping box first and then later on for them to get used to being in water! Which will ultimately help them with dock diving.
Kiddie pool isn't the safest option for a whelping box. Momma could smoosh the pups against the sides so we have a box with pig rails that the puppies can slip under since the Moms often like to lay up against the sides. Although I will be moving mine down some because they look a little too high.

Ripley testing it out and I think she approves!
Wow you're really getting prepped, which is great so she can get used to it.
That’s a way nicer option! I love how they know it’s theirs and they get inside to show it off. Reminds me of the time we got Kaiser a bigger crate and he just went inside while I was taking pics of it.
Your life goals are all coming together - so happy for you and don't get so busy that you don't keep us posted with details and photos when the time comes! I guess you'll have ultrasound to confirm before getting us tooooo excited?
I guess you'll have ultrasound to confirm before getting us tooooo excited?
We did progesterone testing to time the breeding. Anything above a 5 is a go for breeding. She tested 2.3 on a Friday morning, vet estimated she would ovulate and her eggs would be ready on Sunday. Bred her Sunday PM. Tested her again Monday morning and she was 11.4!! Bred her that night and again Tuesday afternoon. She should be covered! No ultrasound since we plan to do an xray closer to time to get a head count so we know how many to expect for our/her first time. So really don't want to stress Ripley out too much with more trips to the vet. There will be visual signs eventually.

don't get so busy that you don't keep us posted with details and photos when the time comes!
Of course I'll update with photos as I can! I know I'll be sleeping in the office with her for probably the first week or two. :wacky:

Wow you're really getting prepped, which is great so she can get used to it.
Yea! I want to be ready! :D Plus want her to be comfortable like you said and eventually she'll be opting to sleep and nest in there.

they get inside to show it off.
Why do they do that? They are too funny!! Anytime we get something new shes all over us almost wanting to open the box herself :rofl: Caught her a few times taking her puzzle toy in there and working it inside the box.
:congrats: Wow, you went from not owning a Doberman for years.....to this! Pretty cool! :yatta::thumbsup: Ripley being a Mom! How exciting! Wishing you all :goodluck:!!
Wow, you went from not owning a Doberman for years.....to this! Pretty cool!
Haha, if I could I would have owned one a whole 10 years sooner! The timing wasn't right...and now everything is just right! Never had any plans to do any of this when I finally was ready to bring a doberman into my home. Ripley was supposed to be a boy... and a performance pet! But she's been so much more!! So glad I landed a wonderful and supportive breeder and mentor in my first doberman. I've heard some horror stories out there. Thank you so much for the good luck!! Its the calm before the storm :woot2:
He looks huge in that little car! How big is he?
I forgot to answer this! I don't think he's any bigger than a typical male, came up to just below or at my hips on me but I'm only 5'1, so maybe 28" at the withers?
What dates falls around day 61? We'll mark the calendar! :thumbsup:
Wow, dog pregnancy is only two months? Hmm...late November...can't wait!
Actually, early November! She is two weeks in this Sun from her first breeding. Anywhere as early as 58 days from first breeding to 63 days on average. She has an X-ray scheduled for day 57 Nov 6th. 🤞 We will likely do a reverse progesterone test then too to see how close she is to labor.

If it's anything, after week one her mood has definitely shifted, she was being odd and reserved, morning sickness. This week we had to increase her food. No increased exercise to cause the need for it but her body was showing signs that she was burning through her normal amount.
You have got to be excited!! To help bring life into this world is a special thing…. but offspring of your own personal Doberman? Damn…that’s just perfect.

I am confident you are going to do a great job and turn out phenomenal pups!

Are you going to have the ears done? Have you picked the vet?
Are you going to have the ears done?
Of course, to be a reputable breeder in the US, there is no other option since some will be going to show homes and we won't know who by the time of ear crop. I prefer the cropped ear anyways.

Have you picked the vet?
I'd take them to the same vet that did Ripleys bc I love her ears but we want someone that doesn't mind fixing any tails should they need fixed at the time of crop so we have an appt with Dr. Midgarden. She's only two hours away from me too so that'll be nice.

I am confident you are going to do a great job and turn out phenomenal pups
Thank you!! Thankfully I have a few different mentors and a number of friends willing to help in any way they can that have done this before. I have been collecting info with my own research too. I'm sure I will learn a thing or two as I go but I aim to be as prepared as possible and do the best I can to raise them and prepare them for their homes! "What would I want my breeder to do for my future puppy?" is what I run through my head when preparing for this litter!
