• Disclaimer: Hello Guest, Doberman Chat Forums presents the opinions and material on these pages as a service to its membership and to the general public but does not endorse those materials, nor does it guarantee the accuracy of any opinions or information contained therein. The opinions expressed in the materials are strictly the opinion of the writer and do not represent the opinion of, nor are they endorsed by, Doberman Chat Forums. Health and medical articles are intended as an aid to those seeking health information and are not intended to replace the informed opinion of a qualified Veterinarian.”

Sebaceous adenoma, other lumps and bumps

A quick jump onto the sofa. Looking to see whether I noticed.


Of course I saw it :blackalien: Devil in stealth mode. Plus he knows I would still permit it😆
I think Kaiser should have sofa privileges for life now. :sunglasses: Housemate Reckless was not allowed on furniture until I got Asha. Then Reckless got to get on the furniture and Asha did not - to keep the wild puppy from bulldozing Reckless relentlessly. But now R can get on any furniture any time and at age 9 nobody cares. Asha still has no furniture privileges except my bed, and so far she doesn't seem to care.
