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Matthew Stern

We had Marks Tey Bloodlines. I had an original male named Dragon who produced an iff spring female Sable, i got Sable through a relationship which than produced another male we named Dragon. Im looking to have my 1st dobermine since the passing of Dragon 15 years ago. Onviously not the same dog but wed love to have a dog from the bloodline, im in Tampa Fl USA is it possible to get a Mark Tey Doberman still since Joannas oassing in 2010? I had the opportunity to speak with her once way back in the early mod 2000s around 2005ish. Thanks
Rod & Lynne Humphries out of Richmond, TX produced dogs that carried the Marks Tey line. Don't know how much that'll help. The most recent I see was a female born in 1998 and she died in 2002 of Cardio.
