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Baby tooth behind adult tooth


New Member
My Doberman Ragnar just turned 7 months today, and my boyfriend pointed out that he noticed a baby tooth still hasn’t fallen out and is sitting behind what seems to be a fully grown adult tooth. We had discussed that it still has time to come out and we will provide toys etc to help the fall out but I’m just curious is anyone else has noticed this on their Doberman before. We also discussed that if by 8 months or before (if he is bothered by it, we will take him to the vet).

Thanks in advance!


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When comparing his left adult tooth, to this tooth on his right in the photo, it’s not a fully formed adult tooth.
Funny situation right here.
Love the name.

My past male- Ragnar, had the same issue. I just let it ride and it worked its way out. It was around 7-9months too.

Would love to see some pictures of Ragnar.
Yeah, it didn't look fully grown in. I had this on my last Dobe, and it hung in there a long time but did fall out. We went ahead and did some fairly significant tug play with a tug toy. I wish I remembered by what age it fell out. Eight months is a pretty good time at which to think about having a vet look at it. Is the baby tooth loose?
That's not uncommon at all and that tooth seems to be the most common one.
Funny situation right here.
Love the name.

My past male- Ragnar, had the same issue. I just let it ride and it worked its way out. It was around 7-9months too.

Would love to see some pictures of Ragnar.
Ok this is good to know! We were a bit worried but I’m glad to see it’s not uncommon. Here is our boy:


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Yeah, it didn't look fully grown in. I had this on my last Dobe, and it hung in there a long time but did fall out. We went ahead and did some fairly significant tug play with a tug toy. I wish I remembered by what age it fell out. Eight months is a pretty good time at which to think about having a vet look at it. Is the baby tooth loose?
It seems like it’s becoming loose and we have definitely added tug play more into his routine to help it come out. Thanks so much for your reply!
Great looking pup! More than likely it will come out on its own, but it's always good to keep an eye on it.
We had a similar situation around 6 months — his baby canine broke off at the gum line, and the adult tooth had barely erupted. :facepalm:

I was so worried he would need an extraction! A few days later, the adult tooth started to break through, and thankfully a week or two later, the adult canine pushed the remaining baby tooth out.

Sometimes it’s hard to let nature take its course! It’s great that you’re keeping an eye on it though.


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