Recent content by Stephdm

  1. Stephdm

    Baby tooth behind adult tooth

    So happy to hear!! Thank you!!
  2. Stephdm

    Baby tooth behind adult tooth

    It seems like it’s becoming loose and we have definitely added tug play more into his routine to help it come out. Thanks so much for your reply!
  3. Stephdm

    Baby tooth behind adult tooth

    Ok this is good to know! We were a bit worried but I’m glad to see it’s not uncommon. Here is our boy:
  4. Stephdm

    Baby tooth behind adult tooth

    Update: When comparing his left adult tooth, to this tooth on his right in the photo, it’s not a fully formed adult tooth.
  5. Stephdm

    Baby tooth behind adult tooth

    My Doberman Ragnar just turned 7 months today, and my boyfriend pointed out that he noticed a baby tooth still hasn’t fallen out and is sitting behind what seems to be a fully grown adult tooth. We had discussed that it still has time to come out and we will provide toys etc to help the fall out...
