Welcome to the life of Riley

:congrats: again! He is such a beautiful red boy! I love those little wrinkles! 🥰 It feels that this all happened for a reason, doesn't it? I mean the way it just kind of fell in your lap. Like it was meant to be! :thumbsup: He will have a wonderful life with you and your family! And all that beautiful land to roam! And he will help heal your heart and bring a lot of love! It sounds like he already is! 💕❤️💕
It feels that this all happened for a reason, doesn't it?
It does! Kind of an emotional journey but it feels like he is supposed to mine. He just fit right in!
And all that beautiful land to roam!
I can't hardly wait! It is going to be so much fun to watch through a pups eyes. He is so adventurous and curious that I just know how fun it's going to be.
And he will help heal your heart and bring a lot of love! It sounds like he already is! 💕❤️💕
He is certainly trying. I'm still a LONG way off but I'll get there.
He is certainly trying. I'm still a LONG way off but I'll get there.
You'll get there together. My Z, I was afraid that it was too soon and Thor would roll in his grave over it all. But I've learned that he wouldn't want me waiting around, and that Z was not meant to overwrite his space in my heart, but to make a new one. It's been a year and some days since I lost Thor. But he is good, I am well on my way to good, and I think the Z has some guidance from someone other than me. I hope you'll experience this with Riley.
Years ago, I had a friend in Tucson who said she had decided to switch from Dobes to Ridgebacks in order to hopefully have a dod that did better in the heat.
Years ago, I had a friend in Tucson who said she had decided to switch from Dobes to Ridgebacks in order to hopefully have a dod that did better in the heat.
I've never really had a dobe that minded the weather. If I was out, they were right there. I know people say they don't like hot or rain or even water for swimming but all mine have. I think they just adapted because that was their life. I've grown our food for years so that requires being outside. My gardens always had chores all year so they adjusted. We have a boat and spend time on the river so it was sink or swim. Of course we always had ponds and they learned real quick the cooling power of water.
You'll get there together
I have no doubt. I just don't like it one bit. It's a weird place to be. Laughing at puppy antics through the tears caused by the loss of your best friend.
I have stayed home for years doing book work for my husbands company. Therefore I am pretty much with our dogs 24/7. They become more than just a dog, they are my friend, my helper and a major part of my life. This one has been tough because the house was dead silent. It's been years since I lost a dog and didn't have another one in the house to help ease the pain. All those emotions made it hard for me to decide to bring Riley home. I didn't want to make mistake for his sake. All that said this feels like it was meant to be.
I know people grieve differently but I cannot be in a home without a dog. I'm so glad you were able to open your home and your heart to Riley! Also sounds like he's going to be much 'cushier' with you guys and know nothing but tons of love, opportunity, and attention ❤️
I agree but I suspect that there is an independent RR trait that might rear it's head. I think they are more likely to head off on their own mission more than a Dobe. That is the only thing Jazz did that no ones purebred Dobie seems to. Riley might be a very independent teenager! 😆
Riley might be a very independent teenager!
Make that independent stubburn teenager! This boy has a VERY large streak of both! You can definitly tell he has become comfortable in his new home. We may be having a come to Jesus meeting soon. :mad:
but I cannot be in a home without a dog.
It's been years since we didn't have at least 1 dog. This house was a very lonely place, in fact I think that was the deciding factor to bring Riley home. I couldn't take the silence.
Potty training is going really well.
I had been taking him out after he ate, when he woke up, after he played....you know the routine.
Today he started going to the door on his own! Happy dancing is going on here!!
I'm really impressed with this boy. Definitely has a stubborn streak but he is really smart so I can work with the sass.
More good news! I never realized that RR's keep the tail close. I thought he was just being shy because of all the changes. Nope! I discovered they kept it close after watching a few videos of them in the ring. The tail is kinda tucked between their legs. Good news! No table clearing will be going on here.
Now if he just grows into his ears....
Riley got to go to Bass Pro! He's been working hard on obedience so we put it to the rest. He did GREAT!
He really wanted to break his sit because there was another dog that REALLY wanted to visit. Just one of many I pissed off tonight. 🙄 I wouldn't let people pet him or dogs approach him. Luckily there weren't many dogs but a few people did get a bit pissy when I said no to petting.
His leash manners were not bad but he's got sit down pat. He was watching kids wrestling around with each other.
I'm REALLY proud of how well he did.
Beautiful boy. I can imagine how much attention he's getting and how much people will want to pet him. One of those "In Training" jackets might work but not sure how well. At least people already know when they ask to pet so might not get as snitty!
Beautiful boy. I can imagine how much attention he's getting and how much people will want to pet him. One of those "In Training" jackets might work but not sure how well. At least people already know when they ask to pet so might not get as snitty!
I thought about putting Rumor's vest on him but that meant I had to find it. 😂 I'll have it next time though.
