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Valens Pasture kibble


Well-Known Member
Although we give raw food, I use dry treats for things like training around the house and Kaiser’s treat dispensing toys. I’d like to do away with the variety of treats to just one. I found one with the first 9 ingredients being meat. Problem is that ingredients 10, 11, and 12 are peas and sweet potatoes! I can forgive the sweet potatoes, but the peas are the #1 bad boy of the whole diet-related DCM scare, so, what does everything think of this food?

It’s rated 4.5 stars here: Valens Dog Food | Review | Rating | Recalls but they also selected a small breed recipe. Here is the one I’m looking at.

Interesting that it has peas and pea protein. So you are just using them as treats? If so I wouldn't have an issue with that seeing as they are not even on the top ten ingredients.
Ya just treats. It’s been fun trying stuff out, but treats typically come in smaller bags and run out faster so buying a bag of kibble seems like a better solution.
Ya just treats. It’s been fun trying stuff out, but treats typically come in smaller bags and run out faster so buying a bag of kibble seems like a better solution.

If you want training treats, get Ziwi peak. It’s dehydrated raw in kibble size squares.


I’m sure you can fine it cheaper, I use them for training. The local mom and pop store in the town I live in sells these bags for 22 bucks.
Great idea! I actually used to feed this to the cat when I was trying to wean her off kibble. Totally forgot about it. This is perfect. And no potato or peas:

