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Turkey necks


Well-Known Member
One more item crossed off Kaiser's never-ending grocery list.

I searched for old threads to refresh my memory, and now I'm not so sure how to proceed. I can only feed them frozen right? So he has to be chewing the neck slowly and if he doesn't then I should take it away?

I recall @LifeofRubie and @Tropicalbri's saying that they grind the bones in a food processor, but was that for bigger bones during fully raw meals? @WiglWerm mentioned the turkey neck bones are sharp and dense? But I thought all poultry necks were ok? I was intending to feed this as a snack. But I could put it in his food bowl with ACV to be extra safe?

Should I skip his glucosamine supplement on the days that this is fed?

I would like to be prepared for what to expect. Kaiser is 2 years and 3 months old, and he has been eating premade raw for well over a year now. He nearly always gets ACV with his morning meals (skipped on weekends only).

Of course, I'm also wondering how this will impact his poop because we no longer take turns on poop patrol :rolleyes: whoever introduces new food must take that responsibility = me :thumbdown:
I grind up turkey, rabbit, duck and chicken necks. There is usually quite a bit of meat in them. I use a meat grinder so the pieces are really ground small.
I put this in with their raw meat along with organ meat and fruits and vegetables to complete their meal requirements.
They also get their daily supplements and probiotics.
I defrost my turkey necks and give the whole thing to him. He chews well and slow and doesn’t swallow it whole he crunches the whole thing up. Although I am always watching.
This is similar to how I envisioned feeding it. Almost like a bully stick but supervised. And you don't find the odd bone pieces in his poop? I'm guessing it all gets digested pretty well in his stomach before moving on. Kodak is on kibble or raw?
This is similar to how I envisioned feeding it. Almost like a bully stick but supervised. And you don't find the odd bone pieces in his poop? I'm guessing it all gets digested pretty well in his stomach before moving on. Kodak is on kibble or raw?
He is on Nutrisource but I give turkey necks couple times a week. He also gets sardines. I haven’t notcied bones yet in his poop.

Video of him crunching away. Lol He really likes to grind of them for a while till they are it’s all smashed pretty much then he eats it.
