New Member
Wierd thing happened this week. I was pulling some sauerkraut out of the fridge and hubby asked me what I was making. I said kraut and my dog growled...rather annoyed like. We looked at one another and wondered why. We never use that word much (or eat kraut much for that matter...maybe 4-5 times a year.)
This morning, she wouldn't come out of her kennel (just being lazy) and hubby said it loudly and she jumped up and ran out, giving little grumbly barks and growls. She also does this when we say "Chum", the neighbor's dog. She dislikes poor Chum for whatever reason.
Why in the world might "kraut" be setting her off? I can't think of anything negative associated with that word which triggered a memory, etc. I wonder if its the smell of sauerkraut she doesn't like but it doesn't give off enough of a pungent aroma since its cold.
Does anyone else's dobie have an unexplainable reaction like this to certain words? Did you ever figure out why?

This morning, she wouldn't come out of her kennel (just being lazy) and hubby said it loudly and she jumped up and ran out, giving little grumbly barks and growls. She also does this when we say "Chum", the neighbor's dog. She dislikes poor Chum for whatever reason.
Why in the world might "kraut" be setting her off? I can't think of anything negative associated with that word which triggered a memory, etc. I wonder if its the smell of sauerkraut she doesn't like but it doesn't give off enough of a pungent aroma since its cold.
Does anyone else's dobie have an unexplainable reaction like this to certain words? Did you ever figure out why?