Posting ears game changers


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Just changed out his tape and posts. This is the longest I have waited--5 days. I think this is the max time I will do, bottom of post gets real gunky and the tape residue gets goey after too long.

Probably my tenth time to post since I received him and to all you new to the first it was a wrestling match.

I tried tape/posting many ways: with one of my daughters holding his shoulders/head and this just caused action-reaction chaos. The more we restrained Ragnar, the more he wiggled and fought. I tried doing it myself with him between my knees. With him secure next to couch and my lateral thigh. Using a blanket for compression relaxation, etc....., continued to be a wrestling match. Very frustrating and feelings of helplessness because I thought I had to get it right or have a "crop and flop".

I had three major game changers:
1. Changed from different names of athletic tape to Johnson&Johnson Zonas tape. Just no comparison to me. J&J Zonas tape is cleaner, neater and just holds better.
2. I purchased a grooming arm. The grooming arm holds him in a high sit and allows me to use both hands. I jammed the groom arm down the side of the crate in between the wires and put a couch cushion, cover with towel, on the floor to add for correct height. When done- I just leave it on side of crate and fold the arm over the top until next time.
3. Trial and error experience is the best teacher. Taping here, holding there, knee here, hand there, etc... you will learn the techniques and after some time--you will perfect it and it will become sooo much easier. Today my daughter said, I can't believe you did it that fast.....

As others have previously posted, have everything in prep. Backerrod backed taped and different lengths of tape ready and in position for when needed. No stopping the rhythm and no distractions. I turn tv off and make the kids vacate the living room. It's funny--because when my girls see me gathering supplies, they know to head for their rooms.

I am telling you--I was horrible at first but gradually got better.

This is Ragnar at 4-1/2 months.
IMG_2446.JPG IMG_2444.JPG IMG_2447.JPG IMG_2443.JPG IMG_2455.JPG IMG_2456.JPG
Wow that is awesome! He's looking great!

I totally agree about the tension when it comes to a lot of things. Less right grip makes them way more comfortable.

Way to go!
He's looking great! I agree that once you get your own system down it gets so much easier.
What an awesome report! Thank you for sharing this!

Among the very useful things you shared, this one stands out the most for me: When you expressed that you just learned from going for it. You learned what you and your individual Dobe needs and what works for you. This is the thing I try to drive home to those new to posting and who perhaps have worries about it – it is a simple thing in concept, and you will fine tune once you get into it!
I put a rubber mat on my counter and placed them on it. By getting them up to my chest height it got them out of their comfort zone and made it a perfect height for me to clean and post the ears without bending over or sitting on the floor. Like you I had everything pre made. Bogie would fall asleep when I started cleaning his ears. Bacall was a little wiggly but not enough to make it frustrating. They loved getting that lamb lung treat afterwards. :)
Thanks to all and thanks goes to DCF!!!! I have learned a lot from reading this forum front to back.

The internet can be a good thing. I often think how weird it is that I am in south Louisiana communicating with members as far north as Alberta, Canada and and across the pond to the UK. Neat to think, these people have the same worries and concerns as I, and here we are, helping each other out..... younger years we used pay phones and Encyclopedia Brittanica. younger years we used pay phones and Encyclopedia Brittanica.

I know, crazy...however, it did have it's advantages...I miss the times when you got a letter, it was I say what the heck this is my 9th email from these folks in 24 hrs...go away. :banghead:
