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Participants needed for Embark's large-scale #DCM research study. 🔬


Administrative Staff
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Posted by Embark today.

Every dog counts! Need only a confirmed #DilatedCardiomyopathy diagnosis to participate.

To apply: ClickUp forms

⭐ If our veterinary team determines your dog is eligible for this study, we will provide, at no cost to you, non-invasive saliva swabs for your dog. Prepaid return shipping is included. Confidentiality is strictly maintained. You will receive our full panel of results if your dog is selected to participate. ⭐

Embark Veterinary is currently recruiting DNA samples from dogs with a confirmed Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) diagnosis. You are welcome to submit this form without clinical documentation, but vet records may be requested at a later date. If our veterinary team determines your dog is eligible for this study, we will provide, at no cost to you, non-invasive saliva swabs for your dog. Prepaid return shipping is included. Confidentiality is strictly maintained. You will receive our full panel of results if your dog is selected to participate.

