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New behavior in heat


$ Forum Donor $
Well, this is a new one for me. Asha started her heat Sept 26 so is now entering "standing heat" days. Yesterday she did that teeth chattering at her own smell. Not just once but 4 different times during the day. I've seen the descriptions and a few videos of males doing this, but a female in heat responding to herself?

And as an aside, I got the Raspberry Leaves that @Rits recommended for tamping down the false pregnancy symptoms, but she didn't start the leaves until day 5 or 6 (instructions say to start them on day 1). If this supplement changes hormone response in any way, maybe it's that?

LOL, it is kinda funny to see and I'm not worried about it, just curious if others have seen this.
I have only had 3 girls in my life of Dobermans; WOW! Never saw this! That is something....they always show us something new!
WOW! Never saw this! That is something....they always show us something new!
For additional info, she never did it again after that one day! :rofl: :scratch: Still on the Raspberry Leaves, so I don't think that has anything to do with it. Never a dull moment observing dogs!
That is odd and I've never seen it before either. Do you think the raspberry could have had something to do with it?
That is odd and I've never seen it before either. Do you think the raspberry could have had something to do with it?
I doubt it. Since I've seen so many cycles come and go it just totally surprised me and this was the first time I'd used the raspberry so that thought popped up. But then it was only that day and I didn't change anything with the raspberry dosage and it never happened again. But 4 times that day, was so bizarre, all a few hours apart, and all after she'd peed or cleaned her vulva, stood up and chattered her teeth. Like I said, not worried or even remotely concerned. She doesn't have strong false pregnancies but I wanted to see if the raspberry would help the need for more sleep and nesting behavior.
But 4 times that day, was so bizarre, all a few hours apart, and all after she'd peed or cleaned her vulva, stood up and chattered her teeth.
In thinking about it, I may have seen that happen years ago in a female dog after cleaning herself. Maybe it's the different hormones in the mix that triggered it?
