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Infected ear? Candida? Mites?


New Member
So I was wondering if any of you have experienced this or something similar and what you did/ have any recommendations on what worked and maybe more on natural side less chemicals.
To the story: my girl is now 5 months old and about a week ago we noticed her scratching her posts at the bell we didn’t think much of it as the ear looked and smelled fine and we changed posts every two days cleaned etc properly. The only difference is a week ago we started using a new medical tape brand (German brand: Hansaplast) as we Are currently in Germany and our military base did not have medical tape in stock at that time. But again I did not think much of it. Until the scratching. I figured it might have been more uncomfortable as I noticed it was ALOT more sticky than j&js. However the scratching continued and a small wound on the outside of the bell accrued. I continued to clean the wound and repost. The last post we did was before bed and then removed the next day around noon because I noticed that small wound had gotten bigger and smelled funky. As I removed the actual post I was shocked! The areas the tape has kinda ripped some of the hair out (which I’m used to that has happened with every dobie of mine that some hair gets pulled of) was red and very minimally covered in puss but right above the original wound from the scratch it was a horrible horrible smell and just straight puss. The next step was of course no more posting. Give it time to heal until I cover it up again. At this point I realized she might have a reaction to the tape or that the tape had pulled tighter or something. But ears down. We cared for the wound and the at this point irritation with cleaning with saline and 800mgo Manuka honey (antibacterial/fungal etc, which BTW if you’re unaware of the magic of this honey I highly suggest looking into it! It’s better than any Neosporin there is! I personally use it on all my dogs and myself and we have gotten rid of cuts/infections etc within days) anyways, two days into last post removal it got bigger and did not get better, so I called my vet, and talked to them, we agreed to for 2 more days to continue honey and saline cleaning and to add a cone to keep her from scratching it up more/ getting dirt etc into the wound. 2 days past and now cleaning at night all the honey off we notice a small chunk of her ear tissue (at the tip of ear) started to die. The tissue was nothing but puss, frantically I call my vet and we get seen in the morning, this was yesterday morning. She took blood, skin samples etc and said she has no idea what could be causing it and to wait on results. Could be mites could be a fungus could be a skin disease etc.. we got anti itch medication and „ suloran „ ear drops that we were told to put on inside and outside twice a day. Upon research it’s both antibiotic and Antifungal and treats mites parasites etc.. today it was so much worse and I have the pictures of today attached. I called my vet again and same answer. We will know Tuesday (it’s Friday now) what it is and can treat it until then continue suloran , the outside and Original wound got better with it basically overnight and the honey helped that as well but with the two/three spots in the picture nothing…and two of them are new as of today…I am highly worried and at loss and freaked out as to what I can do. Tuesday is so long and maybe any of you have seen something like it have experienced it and maybe know what I can do?!
many help appricated highly!!!


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Welcome from Minnesota, USA! :welcome:

My best guess is that it's a reaction to the tape and it probably won't get better until you're able to get something else. Are you able to find sports tape there? That's pretty similar to the J & J's so if that never bothered her it might not hurt to try that instead. I would definitely either cover the sore spots with gauze before taping or avoid those areas with the tape.
That’s what i was thinking! Im just so worried because it’s Just seeming to get worse! I haven’t taped the ears at all yet because I wasn’t sure or am not sure if I should even keep posting?! I thought about covering it in gauze and then taping but the vet said keep it open if possible mostly cause her closest guess was Candida, so fungal infection, so moisture would only breed it?! But then again in Germany cropping is illegal so basically no one is familiar with it, so I can’t really get „vet advice“ regarding that subject 😩 thank you so much for the reply though! As of now until I can somehow for sure know posting won’t cause any more harm in just going to leave them hanging and if she has floppy ears then so be it, better than no ears 😭
Welcome from Minnesota, USA! :welcome:

My best guess is that it's a reaction to the tape and it probably won't get better until you're able to get something else. Are you able to find sports tape there? That's pretty similar to the J & J's so if that never bothered her it might not hurt to try that instead. I would definitely either cover the sore spots with gauze before taping or avoid those areas with the tape.
I agree.
I e not had to deal with posting, but have had a Dober with allergic reactions to grains in the food. Stinky ear and discharge.

My apologies for not tagging the member here but my heybiard doesn’t have some of those letters 😂

Allergic reaction to some adhesives in tape if fairly common
It would seem in mammals in general.
I’ve heard of it here on Doberman Chat, and my wife has seen it many times on the job dealing with sick humans.
Some kind of insulation is needed of another brand of tape cannot be found.
So I wanted to give a little update! It’s been a week let me tell you! 😅 we continued using suloran on the ears and bottom healed all well. The top is pretty much the same...infection has gone down by a both but the wounds have “multiplyed” I feel like! The vet did nothing until today when we got the tests back and she is finally on antibiotics as it seems to be bacterial! I still have no idea as to how outside of attaching and it getting infected but good news it’s not fungal or mites or anything. It’s just a really poppy infection.
mit anyone knows maybe of I could get a cream for it or should I continue the stuff from the vet which is really more antifungal (all all she gave us outside of now antibiotics...I tell you I’m so frustrated with German vets haha)?! Cause it’s still not really healing..and I doubt antibiotics will actually help the healing?! Also?! I was thinking of posting them but leaving the tip of her bad ear out ?! (The other is perfectly fine now) what are the thoughts/ suggestions?! I’ve attached a today picture as well and I figured If I do a reversed half post on that one the tip can stay out (as it stands pretty well on its own) but that was the bell area can “harden” and the flap as well so I’m not messing with the window for that to stand?!
mid love to hear your thoughts as the vet will not give me any ?! Also. I have found sports tape as well as nexcare 3m sensitive which was my thought now on using?!


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Sorry I can't really help with your pups ears, but what comes to my mind is if you could add a good quality human grade Vitamin C to her food, or generally improve her diet? of course I'm saying that without actually knowing what you are feeding her.

Edit to add some interesting info on via C and wound healing
Not saying that is the cause of your dog's ears not healing but as far as I know vitamin C has never hurt anyone.
I thought about Vitamin c, my only thought was that maybe it wouldn’t be that great on a open wound?! And yes the food is a good thought! So thank you for that! I highly doubt that’s the issue though. But maybe you know more than me/ have Adobe for feeding?! She is currently getting fed blue wilderness puppy large both dry and wet (mostly wet because I know it’s easier on their stomach) well as salmon oil, linseed oil, rice and a dab of both cottage cheese and 1120mgo Manuka honey for currently the infect along with it 🙈 thank you for the suggestion! :)
Adult food, or all life stages is better because the puppy formulas contain too much calcium. Also skip extra high protein diets, not good for their kidneys and more. In dry food under 30% protein is preferable. (I'm not a vet, just a pet owner)
I also feel like the wounds are getting worse. If she's being treated with internal medicine, would it hurt to put something like neosporin/polysporin on the wounds? Ask the vet if that would interfere with the internal medicine. You could do half posts to keep the ears upright. At 5 months, this is a sensitive time when ears can get floppy. The vit C will also helps the ears so definitely start adding it to her food.
I also feel like the wounds are getting worse. If she's being treated with internal medicine, would it hurt to put something like neosporin/polysporin on the wounds? Ask the vet if that would interfere with the internal medicine. You could do half posts to keep the ears upright. At 5 months, this is a sensitive time when ears can get floppy. The vit C will also helps the ears so definitely start adding it to her food.
They did yes! In between first post picture and the last the ones on last were severely covered in puss. Unfortunately Germany doesn’t have neosporin (we can get it on base so we have access to to personally) so she didn’t really recommend anything she’s unfamiliar with, and she didn’t want to put anything on that’s what she gave us. I’m assuming that’s all they have available? Which is is the suloran (I’ll include a picture of what she gave us for on top) which in my opinion has done NOTHING. Literally only my decision to add medical honey at night as changed it from pussy yellow green wounds to now bright red, but still no healing..it’s just stopped “spreading”
So with the neosporin I am not sure?! She’s starting internal antibiotics against the bacteria they analyzed tomorrow so I don’t think it would interfere?! I just am not sure if it would help or not?! Like I am so lost with all of this because I feel vets here are just not very familiar with all of this... and Germany and their regulations on chemicals isn’t helping. That’s why I tried reaching out here to see if there is an “American” solution we can try as we have access to the base here,and most otc meds that are sold back home, which is why we are in Germany 😅
I will definitely start Adding the vitamin C and try posting in a way that leaves the wounds open! If y’all say try neosporin I’ll 100% try that! Is there a specific one you recommend?! I know neosporin now has all kinds of off spins?! Thank you so much for all the help!


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We use polysporin complete, the black package. The ears being cropped shouldn’t prevent a vet from treating it like any other cut or wound.
We use polysporin complete, the black package. The ears being cropped shouldn’t prevent a vet from treating it like any other cut or wound.
Awesome! Thank you! and I’m not sure it’s preventing her I think it’s just different here than the us. Like we can’t even get Tylenol or equivalent without a doctors prescription off base 😅 I think the way they see cuts and this is just what we got is the common treatment?! I was more meaning that they don’t give suggestion on posting or how to with this going on cause their answer is just leave it floppy and don’t worry about them standing.. so that’s not any of their concern to treat maybe in a way that I could still post.
I was more meaning that they don’t give suggestion on posting or how to with this going on cause their answer is just leave it floppy and don’t worry about them standing.. so that’s not any of their concern to treat maybe in a way that I could still post.
Ah ok. There are half posts and zip ties or popsicle sticks that you can use. I believe those types would enable enough air circulation. To me, if the dog is cropped, every attempt should be made to get them to stand.

Interesting how they regulate the OTC meds so much, I hadn't expected that. But I have heard how bad Tylenol and the like can be on the liver, while things like alcohol are just too much of a money maker via taxation and so are not regulated much at all. How is Germany with alcohol?
Ah ok. There are half posts and zip ties or popsicle sticks that you can use. I believe those types would enable enough air circulation. To me, if the dog is cropped, every attempt should be made to get them to stand.

Interesting how they regulate the OTC meds so much, I hadn't expected that. But I have heard how bad Tylenol and the like can be on the liver, while things like alcohol are just too much of a money maker via taxation and so are not regulated much at all. How is Germany with alcohol?
Yeah we were thinking trying foam piece and leave the tip of the ear out as it’s standing pretty nicely, it’s just where the fold is where it flops.or like you said “popsicle” thingies. It’s just a lot of insecurity on my part on how to do it so I don’t cause damage to the wound or make it worse. But we will try tomorrow morning and I’ll post a picture here on what we did and maybe someone has an idea how to improve the situational post etc 😅 and then the other ear I’ll post normally as that’s all good.
As for alcohol it’s legal at 16 for beer and wine and 18 for hard liquor. And VERY open to it..like drinking at 10am..no problem.. it’s crazy how all that is okay but “harder” medicine is so strictly restricted.. But yeah Germany is all in all just so strict with everything including food regulations and so forth. Without having such a good base here I am not sure how I would survive 😅 when we first got here and the whole COVID thing was super strict like everything was closed, I tried getting tums..even that no luck.. the best the pharmacy gave me here was a herbal tea.. or go to the doctor, since I could grab any from base cause our bx(the store there) was locked down. It’s honestly a experience and I can’t wait to be back home 😅 especially with all this going on now...
Hey guys.. so update..I have no idea how to post her ears and leave the wound out..the solution the vet wants us to put ALL over her ear, inside and out is not allowing any tape to stick and half posts and full posts (on other ear) just slide down.. I spend an hour trying out foam, tampon, zip tie, sports tape, j&js, ...different lengths, different taping, covering her ear in gauze..I even tryed a solo cup between her ears...nothing..the tape will not stick and ears will not stay under the tape and upright, posts fall off the ear or wrinkle underneath it 😭 I am so beyond fri at rates and helpless. I am so worried at this point I just have to wait out the wound and pray my heart out that hopefully they’ll stand when I can post again.. 😭 which at the moment seems like it’ll be months from now the way this is healing 😭 I’m desperate if anyone has any idea...
I am helpless 😭 one of her ears (the bad one) the cartilage is Harding in the fold 😭 BUT I have an idea! Torbot skin glue...but it’s not available here...does ANYONE know about this and maybe it’s the same? I found, safe for pets and it’s skin glue.. maybe if I glue mole foam with This?! Anyone know? 😅


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I wonder if vet wrap could help? it sticks adheres to itself, so I imagine you could just wrap with the rod in the ear and then fasten the end of the vet wrap to itself, no tape needed. If needed a small piece of tape could be added on the outside of the vet wrap.
Just a thought, don't know if it would work for you. I hope someone else has some idea.

(Without lengthy explanation, I took my boy to a vet tech to help with posting as there was no other way for me to have it done.)

But I also imagine the skin on your pup's ears would have to heal more first.
I wonder if vet wrap could help? it sticks adheres to itself, so I imagine you could just wrap with the rod in the ear and then fasten the end of the vet wrap to itself, no tape needed. If needed a small piece of tape could be added on the outside of the vet wrap.
Just a thought, don't know if it would work for you. I hope someone else has some idea.

(Without lengthy explanation, I took my boy to a vet tech to help with posting as there was no other way for me to have it done.)

But I also imagine the skin on your pup's ears would have to heal more first.
That’s actually a good idea! 😍Did you use vet wrap?! Like have you used it?cause my only concern with vet wrap is I’ve never used it and I heard it tightens/ so restricts circulation and doesn’t let skin breathe?!
