I went to the club trial this weekend - did not enter the RH due to Ashas awful performance the the Mock Trial a few weeks ago. However I *knew* the STp1 Article search would be a cakewalk. Find 2 articles in an area (not tracking, just find & indicate), you have 10 minutes, it's all off-leash. We've been doing this for almost a year. We've done it at home in different areas, we've done it in town in 3 different parks, PLUS, at the club where the trial was! I trained using 3 articles, knowing there would only be 2 in the trial. Asha has NEVER not found them. EVER. The longest search took less than 5 minutes and usually she found 3 articles in less than 3 minutes. On Thursday we took a short hike up the mountain, I put Asha on a down stay, walked out of sight and tossed a wooden article in the grass 20 feet away, so ZERO human footprints or wafting odors, skin cells or anything close to it. Just my human scent on the article. Continued our hike and on the return about 20 minutes later as I approached the area, I had her heel a bit, faced the area where I tossed the article and released her with the command to find it. 30 seconds and she downs on it. I have never gone into anything with more confidence. Saturday I was assisting help in the other trials with BH's and RH trials - Asha was very good, crated in the car all day. When the trials were done I took her out to the field and played with tug and heeling and running for about 15 minutes and she was happy & upbeat as always.
Sunday morning was Ashas STp trial, she was 2nd of 4. Asha went into it pretty much normal making a few big circles before getting down to business, but took much longer than usual to find the first article - about 2 - 3 minutes, then went running again - out of bounds, I had to call her back several times, she looked some more, then really started getting out of work mode by 6 - 7 minutes, then when I would repeat the command to search, she started barking back. Me: "Find the article!" Asha: "BARK! YOU find it! It's not here!" or "BARK! I've looked! Don't tell me what to do!"- I could have melted into a puddle by the end of the 10 minutes. For the first time in her life, Asha shut down, quit.
I did ask the judge if he could show me the article so I could show it to Asha and he did. When I pointed it out to Asha she instantly downed on it, I praised her, leashed her up to check out with the judge.
I have the 11 minute painful video to watch & rewatch but I still have no clue why this happened. I went into it with confidence, no nerves because I - LOL -*knew* we would pass. I was sure we'd get points off for the excessive running/circling, knew that sometimes she downed on top of the article instead of between her front legs, so possible points off for that. A little worried about big points off if she mouthed the article. But she couldn't fail if she found them both so I had no real worries. Humble pie served up. No whipped cream to help it go down.

Sunday morning was Ashas STp trial, she was 2nd of 4. Asha went into it pretty much normal making a few big circles before getting down to business, but took much longer than usual to find the first article - about 2 - 3 minutes, then went running again - out of bounds, I had to call her back several times, she looked some more, then really started getting out of work mode by 6 - 7 minutes, then when I would repeat the command to search, she started barking back. Me: "Find the article!" Asha: "BARK! YOU find it! It's not here!" or "BARK! I've looked! Don't tell me what to do!"- I could have melted into a puddle by the end of the 10 minutes. For the first time in her life, Asha shut down, quit.

I have the 11 minute painful video to watch & rewatch but I still have no clue why this happened. I went into it with confidence, no nerves because I - LOL -*knew* we would pass. I was sure we'd get points off for the excessive running/circling, knew that sometimes she downed on top of the article instead of between her front legs, so possible points off for that. A little worried about big points off if she mouthed the article. But she couldn't fail if she found them both so I had no real worries. Humble pie served up. No whipped cream to help it go down.