Thursday we did our first leg in Novice A obedience - outdoors on the grass, plentiful distractions! Asha was about as good as I could expect her to be, a little crowding and off leash a bit in front of me, especially at one point where someone had a dog out on the field next to the ring on a 20' line letting it zoom wildly. We were heeling along and the Halt came up and she was fixated on the dog in the field, so was about a foot in front of me. When I halted I kinda stomped my feet in place to get her attention and she sat but her tail was still in front of where my feet were. Anyway, There were only 3 dogs entered. One ran out of the ring during the off-leash (not afraid, just had family or dog it wanted to go say hi to). So just 2 of us in the long sit & down and during the long down the other dog rolled in the grass and stood up. I got my Q and the blue ribbon with 187 points. So proud of my girl!!!
Friday was about the same - but all breeds instead of just Dobermans, and one was my friend with the GSD that I train with. She needed one more Q to get her CD. There were 6 entered, 2 moved down to Beginner Novice, so that left 4. One didn't show up, one didn't pass to get to the long sit & down, so it came to the two of us doing the long sit & down like we'd done so much of at home. I was sure we'd both get our Q's and fairly certain I'd get the blue with more points because her dog walked to her on the recall and lags a bit. Well, guess what? With 15 seconds left in the long down, Asha rolled, flopped back & forth twice and stood up. NQ for me, but I was so proud of my friend and her dog! She's the behavior trainer that I talked into helping me with my training letting me use her classes as distractions for my obedience training a couple of years ago. She'd never trained for trials or competition, but saw what I was doing training for the BH and she wanted to do that too. So I showed her the ropes, she joined USCA, and got a BH last fall. So I told her about all the AKC stuff and she started doing that! With her training she's now got him titled with a BH, TDA (they did 30 tricks in one day for an evaluator!), ATT and now a CD! He's 6 years old and very laid back and lazy but will do ANYthing for her. What a great team, and I'm proud to say I've got her addicted to chasing titles. LOL.
Friday was about the same - but all breeds instead of just Dobermans, and one was my friend with the GSD that I train with. She needed one more Q to get her CD. There were 6 entered, 2 moved down to Beginner Novice, so that left 4. One didn't show up, one didn't pass to get to the long sit & down, so it came to the two of us doing the long sit & down like we'd done so much of at home. I was sure we'd both get our Q's and fairly certain I'd get the blue with more points because her dog walked to her on the recall and lags a bit. Well, guess what? With 15 seconds left in the long down, Asha rolled, flopped back & forth twice and stood up. NQ for me, but I was so proud of my friend and her dog! She's the behavior trainer that I talked into helping me with my training letting me use her classes as distractions for my obedience training a couple of years ago. She'd never trained for trials or competition, but saw what I was doing training for the BH and she wanted to do that too. So I showed her the ropes, she joined USCA, and got a BH last fall. So I told her about all the AKC stuff and she started doing that! With her training she's now got him titled with a BH, TDA (they did 30 tricks in one day for an evaluator!), ATT and now a CD! He's 6 years old and very laid back and lazy but will do ANYthing for her. What a great team, and I'm proud to say I've got her addicted to chasing titles. LOL.