
Does it ever get messed up with the dog running over it?
Before his fun run last time the line(?) broke but they fixed it super quick. I think the only problem with the dog running over it would be if they stepped on the bags, but the operator should be watching to make sure it’s going fast enough to prevent that.
Of course you need to post a ribbon picture lol. Just qualifiers for now but with how much he loves it I know he’ll be getting some rosettes eventually.

They are never "just" qualifiers. No matter the sport! It's all work, it's all effort, it's all resources, emotion, and mutual trust 😊 you guys did the damn thing!
How does one get their dog into Fastcat? Just curious seems super fun!
I just googled FastCAT in Delaware and this came up- but it seems this one is sold out.

Looks like Sugarloaf Mountain Racing is the organization that has the equipment and runs it all- they go from location to location…they would at least be a good contact to find out more info.
I just googled FastCAT in Delaware and this came up- but it seems this one is sold out.

Looks like Sugarloaf Mountain Racing is the organization that has the equipment and runs it all- they go from location to location…they would at least be a good contact to find out more info.
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Oh very cool close to me too! Thank you! If they shouldn’t run hard until 18 months is that the appropriate time?
The regs say at least 12months.

How old is yours again?
Most Dobermans reach close to their maturity at 12 months but some can continue growing until 18 months.

Tbh, they are only going to let you run the FastCAT two times a day….each run is completed in like 30secs or less so I really don’t see any issues running that. Just give him plenty of rest between.

I prob would not sign yours up for the CAT at a young age though…
My two took off on the CAT course and you could tell they got tired about 3/4 the way in. Freyja did fine with it but Ragnar’s big bull body just lumbered through. I could tell he was pushing his max and was ready for him to be finished.
The regs say at least 12months.

How old is yours again?
Most Dobermans reach close to their maturity at 12 months but some can continue growing until 18 months.

Tbh, they are only going to let you run the FastCAT two times a day….each run is completed in like 30secs or less so I really don’t see any issues running that. Just give him plenty of rest between.

I prob would not sign yours up for the CAT at a young age though…
My two took off on the CAT course and you could tell they got tired about 3/4 the way in. Freyja did fine with it but Ragnar’s big bull body just lumbered through. I could tell he was pushing his max and was ready for him to be finished.
She’s 15.5 weeks so still very tiny. Just thought it seemed cool and something to do in the future.

30 seconds isn’t bad at all then that seems reasonable. She’s running that now when she sprints in the yard. Lol she is also extremely food driven and depending on the toy too.

If it works out a time wise and schedule wise then yes we will check it out.
She’s 15.5 weeks so still very tiny. Just thought it seemed cool and something to do in the future.

30 seconds isn’t bad at all then that seems reasonable. She’s running that now when she sprints in the yard. Lol she is also extremely food driven and depending on the toy too.

If it works out a time wise and schedule wise then yes we will check it out.
When one comes close to you, contact them and ask if they do fun runs. After the 100 yard entries are all done many of them will have fun runs for puppies and older dog that have never done a fast cat. The lure operator makes the bag do jerky little jumps and you stay with your puppy to point at it and follow along with her. If she gets real excited and starts chasing it the lure operator will keep it in front for just a little while, only enough to solidify interest, but not enough for a hard work out.

It's not even 30 seconds! Full out 20 - 25 mph for an adult dog is between 8 - 10 seconds I think. Asha's very first fast cat was really slow because she was looking for me, didn't care about the lure. After she knew I'd always be at the other end, she did great!
When one comes close to you, contact them and ask if they do fun runs. After the 100 yard entries are all done many of them will have fun runs for puppies and older dog that have never done a fast cat. The lure operator makes the bag do jerky little jumps and you stay with your puppy to point at it and follow along with her. If she gets real excited and starts chasing it the lure operator will keep it in front for just a little while, only enough to solidify interest, but not enough for a hard work out.

It's not even 30 seconds! Full out 20 - 25 mph for an adult dog is between 8 - 10 seconds I think. Asha's very first fast cat was really slow because she was looking for me, didn't care about the lure. After she knew I'd always be at the other end, she did great!
Fantastic stuff to know! How fun!!! Aww I think Pepper would really enjoy it. She’s packed full of energy and food driven lol.

I wish she’d look for me haha not so sure that she would have there’s food involved!

I’ll reach out to them and see what’s around.

Thank you :)
@MichiH - link to my thread of Asha's first Fast Cat and how surprised I was that she was too worried about where I was to run. It wasn't until then that I realized that the independent trait of wanting to do what she wanted to do only applied if it was HER decision. Then it all made sense. You'll be surprised how attached your own little Pepper is, weaving velcro strips on you as we speak.

LOL, the result details are there too: If they go from start line to finish line and don't backtrack to the start they do get a qualifying run. Her's took 35 seconds which translates to 5 mph. LOL. But read the story, it's pretty funny. That and it was also Asha's first road trip and hotel night (Covid days) and her barking nonsense.

@MichiH - link to my thread of Asha's first Fast Cat and how surprised I was that she was too worried about where I was to run. It wasn't until then that I realized that the independent trait of wanting to do what she wanted to do only applied if it was HER decision. Then it all made sense. You'll be surprised how attached your own little Pepper is, weaving velcro strips on you as we speak.

LOL, the result details are there too: If they go from start line to finish line and don't backtrack to the start they do get a qualifying run. Her's took 35 seconds which translates to 5 mph. LOL. But read the story, it's pretty funny. That and it was also Asha's first road trip and hotel night (Covid days) and her barking nonsense.

Ha this is great!!!

The pics of her she is beautiful and looking for you how cute.
If they shouldn’t run hard until 18 months is that the appropriate time?
They can officially run at 12 months. Its only 100 yards so not like they are running over and over again.

@MichiH There are often fun runs at these events for a lower price! Usually they need to be 6 months old for fun runs and they'll only have the puppies run 50 yards.
They can officially run at 12 months. Its only 100 yards so not like they are running over and over again.

@MichiH There are often fun runs at these events for a lower price! Usually they need to be 6 months old for fun runs and they'll only have the puppies run 50 yards.
We have a fun run August 23 and 24 locally! And she’ll be 11 months exactly on 8/24. Thanks for the info I’ve been looking around for stuff to do here.
We went to another FastCat event today! He was super crazy waiting for his turn. I think every time we go he’ll be more and more excited. I swear as soon as we pulled in and he saw the fencing he knew what it was! Like last time, it was supposed to rain but cleared up before we got there. I guess I have bad luck when picking the dates lol.

He beat his personal best slightly in both of his runs! Last event his fastest time was 8.918 seconds. Today he got 8.889 on his first run and 8.856 on the second.

Now that he has 4 official runs the fastest 3 will be averaged and the time will be listed on the breed rankings. Somehow his times weren’t entered right last time so it’s slightly off. I think just by half a second or less, so no big deal!

This will likely be our last FastCat for awhile. I may be able to bring him next month but I’m not sure yet. Other than that, it doesn’t seem like any are within 3 hours of home until the fall.

I’ll upload the videos later! I don’t have good enough wifi connection right now to upload them to YouTube. A53B766D-1473-4C9F-8B34-3CBBBFDF27D4.webpEAA6424F-3201-4BD3-9FB9-10A796B3AD15.webp
