The regs say at least 12months.
Instructions: Click on any club logo and select the events you wish to enter. Check out with a valid credit card, and an email with instant event confirmation will be sent to you. Fill out and sign...
How old is yours again?
Most Dobermans reach close to their maturity at 12 months but some can continue growing until 18 months.
Tbh, they are only going to let you run the FastCAT two times a day….each run is completed in like 30secs or less so I really don’t see any issues running that. Just give him plenty of rest between.
I prob would not sign yours up for the CAT at a young age though…
My two took off on the CAT course and you could tell they got tired about 3/4 the way in. Freyja did fine with it but Ragnar’s big bull body just lumbered through. I could tell he was pushing his max and was ready for him to be finished.