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Dry poop after switching to raw food


Notable member
So I switch both dogs to raw prey diet and both their poop are very dry and crumbly. I been adding things like pumpkin, zucchini, squash, sardines, sweet potato, to the meal and I’m not sure if it is cause to much fiber or too little?
Raw diet results in small dry poops. Perfectly natural, unless your dog is straining. It's the kibble poop - large and soft(er) that is a result of all the "leftover stuff" that they don't utilize, that is not as natural for a dog. If you've ever seen coyote poop, it's just a very dry turd with maybe bits of hair or bone or berry seeds. They turn to dust within days. Dog kibble poop stays in a moist pile seemingly forever.
They might also be getting too much bone if it's that dry (coming out like sand or gravel). Is it a pre-made diet? Was it a gradual switch or pretty abrupt?

Congrats on the switch to raw!
They might also be getting too much bone if it's that dry (coming out like sand or gravel). Is it a pre-made diet? Was it a gradual switch or pretty abrupt?

Congrats on the switch to raw!
Yes its made already and has nothing in it but the chicken (and body parts) we did like a 2-3 meal switch cause they were already getting a 50-50 mix for so long didn’t really think we had to do a week or so.. and ya was thinking the same that it might be to much bone in there
That’s a bit more crummy than I like lol. Since the premade already has bone you could add less fiberous foods. You’ll have to experiment to find out what additions will moisten the stool a wee bit. I know Cucumber does the trick for Kaiser. But watermelon doesn’t have the same effect, so it’s not water content. You could also add in some raw liver. It’s very rich so be careful with it.
That’s a bit more crummy than I like lol. Since the premade already has bone you could add less fiberous foods. You’ll have to experiment to find out what additions will moisten the stool a wee bit. I know Cucumber does the trick for Kaiser. But watermelon doesn’t have the same effect, so it’s not water content. You could also add in some raw liver. It’s very rich so be careful with it.
Ya they love watermelon and cucumber maybe I’ll try that.. like I said been giving the zucchini and squash and even pumpkin thinking it can add some moisture or at least the pumpkin would add more fiber and that should make it lose
Have they been on hikes or free roaming outdoors? Looks like my dogs poop when she eats juniper berries. She had poop the other day that was picture worthy - about 80% seeds! :rofl:

Also, you know that pumpkin can work both ways - firm up loose stools? I think I'd personally just add extra water or broth to their meals and give it a few days.
Have they been on hikes or free roaming outdoors? Looks like my dogs poop when she eats juniper berries. She had poop the other day that was picture worthy - about 80% seeds! :rofl:

Also, you know that pumpkin can work both ways - firm up loose stools? I think I'd personally just add extra water or broth to their meals and give it a few days.
Ya I was adding it to maybe lose it up a bit.. nah nothing in my yard but the acorns falling from the damn squirrels.. I think it’s a lot of bone like we discussed before and they’re getting too much calcium
Bruce did a good one last night and Brooke is still have if a hard time and yes does seam like she is having some trouble with going. I’ll add more pumpkin (added a good amount for there meals yesterday) and hope she can get better. The whole reason for doing RAW now is it will be better for her liver cause she stoped eating the crap hills and Royal food along time ago we started to make cooked meals and they both liked them but it’s a bit hard with our work schedules and they both started to lose weight and just didn’t seam like themselves. So raw it is for them but Brooke is going to stay only on the chicken and I’ll give her a turkey lioe 2x week to change it up because they chicken is less ammonia in it and the organs in chicken is better for her body. We are just glad she is LOVING meal time (Bruce also) and serving her eat and hope we are doing the right thing for her 🤞
Update…. Both dogs are having good looking💩💩💩 and are still loving there new raw diet.. beside bones what are some things you guys use to help clean the teeth.. now that they don’t get the hard kibble I don’t want there gums getting a lot of **** on them from the soft raw food now
Hard kibble is the cause of plaque build up, it doesn't scrape it off. The raw food will not stick between their teeth like processed cooked stuff.

I give my dog a beef rib bone once or twice a week. If you have to watch the weight on your dogs, they are high in fat, but you can trim a lot off. I also never give her the short ribs (3 - 4") because the bone could possibly be swallowed whole. Any weight-bearing bones are too dense and can break teeth with hard chewers. Ribs and backbones don't bear the weight of the animal, so they are not as hard.
Rabbit ears with fur. They help remove plaque and food debris from their teeth and gums. With the added bonuses of a natural de-wormer and also boosts their digestion (As the hair moves through the intestine, it gently removes trapped undigested food, improving the intestine's ability to absorb nutrients)
Our dogs REALLY enjoy them too.

