Drinking problem


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My dobe walks away from her water bowl with a mouthful of water dripping everywhere. She does this consistently and I think I remember my first one doing this too. Doberman thing? Anybody else's dobe do this?
Joker is the world's WORST about dripping all over the place. My Dalmatian has started doing the same thing. I guess she doesn't know she isn't a Dobe!
At least She just drools both of mine drool and when my male was a puppy he would drink so fast he would throw it back up at least twice a week. Now that he is mature it doesn’t happen now just drool lol.
I consider it a, umm, blessing. It's a bit of stretching and exercise as I bend down and reach to do the wiping, first with one hand then the other.
King used to be fine drunk from the centre of the bowl but in the last six weeks has started putting his nose over the far rim of the bowl and laps the water like crazy end result water everywhere
My first two Dobermans were so tidy, never dripped a drop. Asha has been a sloppy drinker from day one. Drops about a cup of water leaving a trail about 10 feet long. I encourage her to drink from the bowl outside on the porch.
One thing I do with this current Dobe is I don't leave water down. This started with potty training when I measured out his water and recorded the times. I just carried on the practice. He lets me know when he wants water and I set it down and I pick it up when he's done. I have him sit and wait for the release to drink.

If I'm strategic and lucky, and have put the correct amount of water in the bowl and he thus doesn't leave any behind, there may be no mess at all! :woot: This is somewhat hard to achieve, because what we do is when a family member has extra water in a glass or bottle we don't dump it down the drain. We pour it into the dog's water bowl. So sometimes there's too much water in the bowl.
Millie if by far the cleanest, most dainty drinking dog we have had.
Rocky is a complete slob, there’s a river falling out of his face for 10 feet from the bowl.
Daisy was just behind him with about a 6 foot river.
We keep water bowls in the garage and outside. None in the house for obvious reasons, lol.
Theres always a good 10ft stream after Jasper drinks. I keep a towel nearby to wipe it up. Its the most gooey, slimy stuff too.

He drools like crazy when we play ball also. I didn’t think these dogs were supposed to be so messy!
Invariably, if Ezri’s entire snout is in the water, there will be something at the window that demands an immediate run and growl bark.

Water all over the floor and sometimes nice splatter on Windows.
