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Dellon's latest trick :)


Thought I would share Dellon's lastest trick, he has gotten quite a bit of attention while Bree's thyroid was out of whack and she was too lazy to object...but now that her levels are good and she is her old self again things are changing LOL!! Yesterday I had been on the computer quite a while and Bree came over for some attention and Dellon tried to butt in but Bree wouldn't let him. So Dellon being smaller than Bree and knowing to try and move her is like trying to move a house :) he gets under her and pushes up and lifts her with his back, this leaves Bree with her hind legs off the floor...and then Dellon kind of wheelbarrels her across the room, sets her down and makes a beeline back to me to take her place :rofl: OMG this boy is so funny....and he takes everything from getting his own way to playing ball so darn serious.....this must be part of the working dog thing LOL!!
Lmao Britt, too funny. Ya know, sometimes I think we all just dont expect our dogs to really think. Its funny when you see the wheels turning and they try to figure out how to do things just a little bit different to get the same result that they wanted in the first place !
I guess you could blame his sister, Demi, for showing him that one. When they ran loose together, Dellon could never keep up with her and would stand in the middle of the yard waiting for her to slow down so he could pounce. Generally, she would allow him the attempt, then would slip under his belly and 'trap' him so he couldn't get her...LOL
Poor Bree!!!
I guess you could blame his sister, Demi, for showing him that one. When they ran loose together, Dellon could never keep up with her and would stand in the middle of the yard waiting for her to slow down so he could pounce. Generally, she would allow him the attempt, then would slip under his belly and 'trap' him so he couldn't get her...LOL
Poor Bree!!!
Wow Demi must be fast cause Dellon goes like lightning LOL!! I have seen Dellon use that move with Bree quite a bit, sometimes almost tipping her over...poor Bree always makes me think of cow tipping. But I never saw him travel with her like that before :rofl:
