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Deaf cerebral palsy 1 yr old Doberman needs ride



Cross Post form Pilots N Paws forum

Good Evening

Cathy Willis- Doberman Assistance Network here. I am hoping to find some help for Briggs, a one year old Red Doberman needing transport from Louisville Ky to Pittsburgh area airport or Allegheny County Airport (KAGC) in West Mifflin, southeast of Pitt.

Briggs was left to either freeze or starve to death after his owners moved out and left him to fend for himself. Briggs is a special needs boy. He was injured at birth and has cerebral palsy which has left him deaf and with an unsteady clumsy gait. But he is the most happy, joyful and gentle boy that get along with everyone and everything he comes in contact with. The vet has said Briggs will remain a “pup” in terms of mental development for the rest of his life.

Distinguished Doberman Rescue located in the Pittsburgh area (Moon Township) did not hesitate and has stepped up to help Briggs and we need to get the boy to the Pittsburgh area. We would love to get Briggs to Pittsburgh as soon as we can. He needs to be evaluated by the specialists up there.

Briggs is truly a miracle, even the vet said he was a miracle to have lived after such an injury and be so playful. If you think you can help Briggs, please let me know as soon as you get the chance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Briggs weighs 70 pounds and is up to date on all his vaccinations. We can provide a harness for Briggs or if you require a crate, we can arrange have one provided for you.

Thank you

Cathy Willis
Doberman Assistance Network
cell 704 516 4738

OMG such stupid stupid people.......Lucky for rescue and all the caring people in the world to make of for all the stupid ones!!!!

Wut a face....I wish I could take him!
Sounds like it was the former owners who are developmentally disabled!!
What a sad situation,I hope whoever adopts Briggs knows what it will take and is able to provide it for him.Having had a mostly deaf,1 eyed dobe,I can imagine having one not able to progress past his puppy mental age.He may never be housebroken,understand sit,stay,off or come,not to chew everything,etc.There are certainly wonderful people out there who are willing to deal and for the right person I know it'll be well worth it.I just hope he ends up with one!!
oh what sad story,its terrible that people treat animals like this.i hope for him the best and hope he find the right loving home.
he has suge so a sweet face. poor baby.
I think it is horrible to leave a dog to freeze or starve but to leave a deaf, disabled dog that is puppy like is down right mean!!!!!!
