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Could Keto Help Canine Malignancy, Seizures and Obesity?


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Could Keto Help Canine Malignancy, Seizures and Obesity?​

While the traditional veterinary community may not be on board with using ketogenic feeding plans for tumors, epilepsy, and obesity in dogs, that's not stopping some individuals from spreading the word of the near-miraculous reports coming from owners using keto with their pets.


  • Today’s Pet Game Changer is Mike Battaglia, founder of KetoPoweredK9.com and the Ketogenic Dog Group Facebook page
  • Mike’s inspiration to learn about ketogenic diets and how to prepare them is his dog Emie, who was diagnosed with mast cell cancer in 2017
  • Thanks to his hard work and dedication, Mike’s dog continues to thrive, and a growing group of pet parents are learning about healing disease and improving quality of life through nutrition
