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ASPCA gives only 2% of its budget to pet shelters, while promoting 'radical and elitist' anti-farmer policies, bombshell report finds


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ASPCA gives only 2% of its budget to pet shelters, while promoting 'radical and elitist' anti-farmer policies, bombshell report finds
April 28, 2023

A think tank released a new bombshell report this week revealing that the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals only provides 2% of its total budget to pet shelters throughout the United States, despite having hundreds of millions of dollars and providing many employees with six-figure salaries.

The Center for the Environment and Welfare, a new think tank dedicated to sustainability and animal welfare, released a report exposing the ASPCA, a nonprofit organization formed to prevent animal cruelty, for deceptively using donors' dollars to support "radical and elitist" anti-farmer policies instead of funding animal shelters.


Those places make me sick. They spend all of that money on ads where you need to donate so much a day NOW to pad their pockets while showing all of the sad animals and never show any success stories of things they've done.

Glen Beck goes to extreme lengths to fact check his stuff BEFORE releasing it so he does NOT get sued.

If you are going to call out The Blaze (owned by Glen Beck) please cite specific examples of false statements and proof that they were false.

I personally would not give a dime of my money to the ASPCA ever. If I want to help a local shelter I can make that donation myself in person and directly to the shelter that I want to help and all of that money will go to help that particular shelter.

The ASPCA is just another of MANY groups that want to take away MY rights as a pet / property owner. A great example is their stance on cropping and docking.

No way in hell I am funding that sort of group.
