Apple cider vinegar

We use it everyday. Add it to her raw meal. Organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. The product you buy is very important. It should contain 5 to 6 percent acetic acid and should be a light golden-brown colour. You should see the sediment in the bottom of the bottle, it’s called ‘The Mother’

We buy locally...


There’s so many uses...

I use it on the pups food but I won’t use it for me. I tried it once with some water and spit it all over my countertop and sink window. I walked around with a permanent lip pucker for a day.

I have used it mixed with water as a spray on the twins for mosquitoes and other flying / biting insects. They smell like salad dressing for a while, then the smell dissipates.
I also used it with a little water to spray my botanicals for snails. It has a ton of uses! I use it a lot in my gardens to repel or kill insects and parasites.
Just bought my 2 spray bottles 1 for coconut/water mixture and 1 for ACV/water mixture. We are working hard on her current skin issues.
We use so much we make our own. There is a orchard at the farm and we take full advantage of everything we can grow there.
I can't drink it (makes my stomach feel like it's boiling) but I will make salad dressing and a few other things with it.
Most use for the dogs. In their food, as a rinse after a bath and in their food. Because I have Dobes that think they are Labs, I also use it in their ears when after they come out of the water.
I drink a couple swigs each day. The supposed health benefits are hard to believe.

Isn't it such a funny sounding thing – "with the mother." ?
How much for an adult dog, and should puppies have it in food the first year?

We give 1 tablespoon morning and evening, too. Some people add it to their dogs drinking water instead. It’s what works best for your dog. Some don’t entertain ACV added to their water.
I agree with Bri, start a puppy off with 1 teaspoon and increase from there. Seeing as pups are prone to UTI’s, ACV may very well help.
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Do you use it full strength or diluted?

Depends, if they were just playing around in the water I diluted it with water. However, Drake would get carried away and stick his head under the water. When he did, I added rubbing alcohol to the combo. The vinegar helps control yeast and bacteria and the alcohol helps dry up any water that got in his ears.
Apple cider vinegar is made from just apples and water, making it completely safe for dogs.

Yes you can read Post #3 above. We get the liquid form like Organic Bragg's with the Mother in it.
