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2 boys at Tucson humane society

Hmmm, that bums me out. I still have the Do Not PTS just in case. I always worry they will catch kennel cough and the treatment kennels will be full. I will try and stop by on my way back from the Sch trial tomorrow and check in on them.
I want to verify that BOTH dogs have been scanned thoroughly! PLEASE!!!
I have all of Demon's info here if you can get some chip numbers off of those 2!!!

[email protected]

I couldn't get the first link to work. I saw the picture on the second one and immediately thought of Demon.

Also, great work coordinating and saving these boys!!!
A word of caution, a dog that is in a treatment kennel is no longer an adoptable pet so they wont have a photo up until he is returned to the adoption kennels. That being said, I hope they were both adopted!
