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When to Spay?

It's a good thing that you are willing to change vets if necessary. I feel like a pet owner and vet are a team in the care of an animal. I love a vet that will present all options and accept your decision without inserting their personal opinion.
A good vet understands that not all pet owners are created equal and should show some respect for the fact that you have educated yourself to allow you to make the best decisions for your girl. He is there to work with you and provide information, not judge you or insert a personal opinion.

Agree great post!!!!!!!!
And not all Vets are created equal!
@Archer you mentioned each female is different as to when they go into their first heat but is it typical for females to have only 2 heat cycles per year (12 months) or am I not understanding that correctly.
They typically cycle every 6 months, but can go in early or late. Two a year is normal
I am so relieved to have read responses on the spaying controversy. My vet told us if we don't mind going through the heat cycle, it would probably be best to wait to have her spayed. Now, I am prepared to handle her going through a heat cycle.
Glad you are going to wait.
We have been through about 5 heat cycles with our Female. We have a neutered male. He doesn't mind at all now. He just sniffs her off and on. Its the males that are intact will be a handful.
There is the option of tying her tubes, instead of a complete hysterectomy. There are some vets who are familiar with this option.
This maintains the hormones and eliminates the puppy possibility.
