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Well-Known Member
My Sisters dogs have been putting her through the ringer, lately...

She has two German Shepherds, Cooper and Bella. Cooper was found have bone cancer toward the end of 2022. They were able to amputate his front left leg and he's been through 2-3 rounds of chemo. So we've all been worried about him and what he's going through.

Friday, though, I woke up to texts from my sister that Bella had bloat, they did opt to do emergency surgery (she's 12), but they found the damage was too much and she was riddled with tumors :( They were able to bring her back long enough for my sister to say goodbye.

I asked her yesterday, Sunday, how she was handling everything and she said Cooper ended up back at the vet on Friday during the day because he wasn't able to get up from laying down. I believe he has dysplasia in his hips so they were going to do some X-Rays to try and figure out what's going on. She's been home all weekend with no dogs :( She needs to call the vet today at noon to see if they've found anything with him. He has been moving around OK as a tripod but he is a big boy.

This picture is from September 2018. From Left to Right: Zoey (still with us), Bella who just passed, Rubie, baby Moose, Cooper, and Cosmo (still with us).


RIP Bella and hoping for at least not bad news for Cooper... I think with him, it will come down to a quality of life conversation.
Losing a treasured pet is never easy. Even hearing about someone else's Lost Pet puts me over the edge. I know how life-changing it can be. I hurt for your sister and pray for them and Cooper.
It's so damn hard, even when it's not our own. My nieces dog has been going through chemo and just had yet another test come back as more cancer, so down to the last stretch. That dog means everything to her. My virtual hugs to you & your sister.
Thank you, all. I can't image how hard this has all been on her.

She did touch base with the vet about Cooper yesterday. He stayed last night, too, as they're trying to determine if his hip issue is based in pain or something neurological. They were running some sort of test today to try and have more answers this afternoon.
The love, loyalty, joy, laughter….that they bring us is undeniably one of the greatest joys ever felt but damn, the hurt when they go really really hurts.
The vet ended up giving Cooper a Fentanyl patch and he seemed more comfortable but he took a turn for the worse today. My sister rushed him to the vet but two of the vets basically said that he 'was trying to die.' She's lost her dogs of 12 and 9 years within less than a week of each other...
Oh darn I was hoping he could pull through and have more years. Send her our condolences...
