Benefits of Membership

See the perks and advantages of a free site membership....

By Joining the Doberman Chat Community you will enjoy the following benefits...




Absolutely 100% Free, No annoying pop ups or flyover ads (unlike other Doberman forums)


Our community is the friendliest around (guaranteed)


Create and share your own photo albums


Share your You Tube videos in our media library


Participate in discussions, Start threads and reply to topics


Communicate privately with other members (PM)


Respond to polls/surveys


View and post K-9 related events.


Easily share content on Facebook, Twitter and Google+1


Mobile App with push notifications (provided by Tapatalk)


Alert System (never miss a reply to your content)


Participate in monthly contests for chances to win great prizes provided by our sponsors.


Facebook like Activity Stream (follow your friends with ease)


Take pride in being a part of the premier privatly owned Doberman Forum on the internet


Access many other special features. (simply to many to list)



Doberman Chat Community is driven by the most modern forum software in the world (XenForo),

unlike some other Doberman specific forums that are dated, bloated, clunky and slow.



Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free so please, join our community today! 
  • Published
    Jul 9, 2012
  • Page views
